Simple Tool For Converting Animated WEBP Files to Animated GIF Files
Script based off of functions in the PIL Library. WEBP2GIF adds a simple user interface allowing users to individually convert WEBP files. Can also be imported and automatically batch convert large numbers of WEBP files.
How to Use:
For use with the User Interface, call initiate_convert(). This function will have the user enter the desired source and destination paths and automatically convert the specified file. Batch support is not implemented in this version
For use in tandem with another script, convert(file, output) handles the conversion of files. Parameter file represents the path of the .webp to be converted while output represents the destination path of the resulting .gif.
If no value is entered for output, the .gif will be created in the same directory as the source file
If output is entered as a path ending with '' at the end, the output will be created as output.gif in the specified directory
If output is entered as a path without a '' at the end, the output will
be created at OUTPUTPATH.gif (WEBP2GIF will tack on a '.gif' to the end of parameter output and use that as the absolute path.)
WEBP2GIF by Robert Sammataro Built with the PIL library