Deploy a full AWS EKS cluster with Terraform
- Internet Gateway (IGW)
- Public and Private Subnets
- Security Groups, Route Tables and Route Table Associations
- IAM roles, instance profiles and policies
- An EKS Cluster
- Autoscaling group and Launch Configuration
- Worker Nodes in a private Subnet
- The ConfigMap required to register Nodes with EKS
- KUBECONFIG file to authenticate kubectl using the heptio authenticator aws binary
You can configure you config with the following input variables:
Name | Description | Default |
cluster-name |
The name of your EKS Cluster | my-cluster |
aws-region |
The AWS Region to deploy EKS | us-west-2 |
k8s-version |
The desired K8s version to launch | 1.11 |
node-instance-type |
Worker Node EC2 instance type | m4.large |
desired-capacity |
Autoscaling Desired node capacity | 2 |
max-size |
Autoscaling Maximum node capacity | 5 |
min-size |
Autoscaling Minimum node capacity | 1 |
vpc-subnet-cidr |
Subnet CIDR | |
You can create a file called terraform.tfvars in the project root, to place your variables if you would like to over-ride the defaults.
git clone [email protected]:WesleyCharlesBlake/terraform-aws-eks.git
cd terraform-aws-eks
You can use this module from the Terraform registry as a remote source:
module "module" {
source = "WesleyCharlesBlake/eks/aws"
version = "1.0.5"
cluster-name = "${var.cluster-name}"
aws-region = "${}"
k8s-version = "${var.k8s-version}"
node-instance-type = "${var.node-instance-type}"
desired-capacity = "${var.desired-capacity}"
max-size = "${var.max-size}"
min-size = "${var.min-size}"
vpc-subnet-cidr = "${var.vpc-subnet-cidr}"
The AWS credentials must be associated with a user having at least the following AWS managed IAM policies
- IAMFullAccess
- AutoScalingFullAccess
- AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
- AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy
- AmazonVPCFullAccess
- AmazonEKSServicePolicy
- AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy
- AmazonEC2FullAccess
In addition, you will need to create the following managed policies
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
You need to run the following commands to create the resources with Terraform:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
TIP: you should save the plan state
terraform plan -out eks-state
or even better yet, setup remote storage for Terraform state. You can store state in an S3 backend, with locking via DynamoDB
terraform output kubeconfig > ~/.kube/eks-cluster
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/eks-cluster
Get the config from terraform output, and save it to a yaml file:
terraform output config-map > config-map-aws-auth.yaml
Apply the config map to EKS:
kubectl apply -f config-map-aws-auth.yaml
You can verify the worker nodes are joining the cluster
kubectl get nodes --watch
You can destroy this cluster entirely by running:
terraform plan -destroy
terraform destroy --force