This is a Java based TR069 Simulator for CPE devices. Currently this simulator supports cwmp-1-0.xsd schema. Jibx tool has been used to bind the schema file into java classes.
This simulator can support different type of CPE devices. Also you can simulate hundreds of devices using the same instance.
How to use:
To run this simulator,
- download the project and unzip it to a suitable location.
- Modify the agent.csv configuration file available in the root directory.
agent.csv file is the csv configuration file that contains the following:
startip, endip, acs_url, conn_req_url, http_port, periodic_inform, dump_location, username, password, authtype,,, /wsdl, 8035, 300, /dump/microcell/, user1, passwd1, basic,,, /wsdl, 8035, 300, /dump/microcell/, user1, passwd1, basic
End IPAddress
ACS Server URL
Connection Request URL
Http Port
Period Inform Interval
Dump Location Path
You can modify these parameter according to your requirements. To simulate multiple CPE devices, provide the start and
end ipaddress. Periodic Inform Interval is in seconds. Simulator will send Inform request based on this parameter.
Dump Location Path is the directory path where simulator will read and load the CPE data.
Simulator will check for two set of files.
1. getvalues.txt
2. getnames.txt
getvalues.txt contains Name/Value data as XML Nodes. Simulator will respond to the ACS Server based on this Name/Value Pair.
getnames.txt contains ParameterInfoStruct XML Nodes. Access detail about the parameters are retrieved from this file.
Currently, Femtocell device dump is being bundled with the JAR. If the user wish to simulate a different CPE, either they need to
create these xml two files manually or they need to take a dump from the real CPE device by reading the GetParameterValuesResponse
and GetParameterNamesResponse.
If the ACS Server supports HTTP Authentication, provide the username, password and authentication type. basic and digest
methods are currently supported. If authentication is not supported, these fields are not required.
To run:
java -jar target/tr069-0.6.2-SNAPSHOT.jar server simulator.yml
MIT License.