A mobile-based application that assists local citizens commuting to the CBD in finding parking. The app displays occupancy data for different parking bays around the city, in real-time, and can be filtered based on cost, permitted parking duration, distance to be walked from destination, and whether the bay supports drivers with disability needs.
This app uses CSS style that are not supported by the built-in browser of RStudio. For best experience, please use an external (modern) browser.
# At the root project directory
shiny::runApp(launch.browser = FALSE)
|- data: data sources for the dash board
|- doc: documentation
|- R: supporting R scripts for the app
|- src: supporting non-R source files and assets
|- www: production non-R files and assets for use by the app
Non-R source files are built using webpack
transforming from ./src
to ./www
# install node module
npm install
# build
npm run build
Use script deploy.R
and ensuring to change the following parameters:
deploy <- list(
"account" = "CHANGEME",
"token" = "CHANGEME",
"secret" = "CHANGEME",
"appName" = "parkit"