- Scrapping NSE Announcements other details in csv formate
- Mapping Announcements against stock price movement and create database which announcements gives positive moves.
- list of NSE symbol tickers and yahoo fin ticker and relation
- where are all concall details are uploaded ?
- can we map concall transcript against price movement ?
- NSE announcement and stock movement, which keywords moves stocks. Take sector, market cap etc also in consideration.
- More micro level index - transformers, cable, Power Infra Financing, Renewable Financing, Mumbai real estate, Banglore real estate.
- Have more data points Gold, Crude, IPL, Elections, website click counts etc.
- Check correlations between this micro index, stocks and data points.
- Analyse data from twitter, Google news etc ?
- Have more analysis points like ticket booking, flight data, exports data etc.
- Analyse Falling stocks.
- User UI, documentation