A simple Php based web scraper for demo purpose.
- Scrape the frontpage of a non-paywalled news site. eg: news.com.au
- Create tables/pie charts/bar graphs/line graphs showing trends and keywords
- Present table with headlines and articles summary
- No frameworks for the frontend or backend
- Vanilla JS, bootstrap, JQuery are acceptable for the frontend.
- JS libraries are also fine. No webpack, gulp, node etc
- PHP for the backend only
- PHP to use API style response to JS fetch requests
- PHP using functional/procedural style programming
Simply execute,
docker-compose up -d
Webserver is running on port 8080.
To access it provide below url on your browser url bar.
This will show a page with the current php info of the server.
There are two services.
- Nginx in webserver container
- Php in php container via php-fpm on port 9000
API entry points are,
Nginx default config is located at .docker/nginx/default.conf
Xdebug settings are at .docker/php/conf.d/xdebug.ini