Rackla is an open source framework for building API gateways. When we say API gateway, we mean to proxy and potentially enhance the communication by transforming the data sent over HTTP between servers and clients (such as browsers). The communication can be enhanced by throwing away unnecessary data, concatenating multiple requests into a single request or converting the data between different formats. Another possibility is to change existing APIs so that they work in a different way, or merge any amount of existing APIs into a single new one.
With Rackla, you can asynchronously execute multiple HTTP-requests and transform them in any way you want. The results, encapsulated in the Rackla
type, can be transformed with well known functions such as map
, flat_map
and reduce
. By using the pipe operator in Elixir, you can express your new API end-points as pipelines which start with requests that are piped in to transforming functions and finally piped into a response.
Rackla builds on Plug in order to expose new end-points and communicate with clients over HTTP. Internally, it uses Hackney to make HTTP requests and Poison for dealing with JSON. A big thank you to everyone involved in these projects!
The documentation is also available online on HexDocs.
(This project was initially created as part of my masters's thesis: Optimising clients with API gateways.)
You can clone the Rackla Skeleton project in order to get a complete working API gateway with runnable example end-points and tests. The skeleton project contains everything you need to easily get started - it contains all "infrastructure" needed to easily expose (and use) your end-points, deploy your API gateway to a cloud service such as Heroku or build a Docker image.
In mix.exs
, add :rackla
and :cowboy
as dependencies:
defp deps do
{:rackla, "~> 1.2"},
{:cowboy, "~> 1.0"} # Or your web server of choice (which works with Plug)
and add :rackla
and :cowboy
to applications:
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :rackla, :cowboy]]
You should read Plug's documentation about defining a router and setting up supervised handlers. You can always look at the Rackla Skeleton project for inspiration about how to set everything up.
(Remix is a nice library you can use to get hot reloading during development.)
OpenWeatherMap has started requiring that you sign up and get an API key, the example below does not reflect that.
OpenWeatherMap has an API with the following end-point that we're going to use: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=Malmo,SE
. That end-point lets us specify one city to retrieve weather data from, defined by: ?q=Malmo,SE
(found at the end of the URL).
This will return the weather data for Malmö in Sweden:
"description":"scattered clouds",
What we're interested in is the temp
value stored in main
, and the name
The goal with the new end-point in our API gateway is to take an arbitrary amount of cities
separated by |
in the query string, such as: /temperature?malmo,se|halmstad,se|copenhagen,dk|san francisco,us|stockholm,se
and return a list of temperatures for these cities.
We want our JSON response to look like this:
"San Francisco":285.087
And this is how the code in Rackla will look like (explained below):
get "/temperature" do
temperature_extractor = fn(http_response) ->
case http_response do
{:error, reason} ->
"HTTP request failed because: #{reason}"
ok_response ->
case Jason.decode(ok_response) do
{:ok, json_decoded} ->
Map.put(%{}, json_decoded["name"], json_decoded["main"]["temp"])
{:error, reason} ->
"Failed to decode response because: #{inspect(reason)}"
|> String.split("|")
|> Enum.map(&("http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=#{&1}"))
|> Rackla.request
|> Rackla.map(temperature_extractor)
|> Rackla.response(json: true, compress: true)
Let us walk through the code and explain what is happening here. First we define our endpoint /temperature
as we would normally do in Plug. Then we define a function which we'll use in the Rackla.map
function in the pipeline, let's get back to it later and first look at the pipeline defined at the bottom of our end-point.
Here's what the pipeline will do:
- Get the query string from
(implicitly provided by Plug), in this example it will be the string:"malmo,se|halmstad,se|copenhagen,dk|san francisco,us|stockholm,se"
. - Split the string on
to get a list instead:["malmo,se", "halmstad,se", "copenhagen,dk", "san francisco,us", "stockholm,se"]
. - Map over the list and convert the city strings into a list of URLs to the OpenWeatherMap API.
- Request all URLs, this will return a
type which will contain (when ready) the response or an:error
tuple on failure for each URL. - Map over the results using our function
(explained below). - Respond to the client. We use the options
to encode our response in JSON format and set the appropriate headers (this will take the Elixir map type returned intemperature_extractor
and convert it to a JSON map and put all responses in a JSON list). We can also use:compress
in order to compress the result with gzip compression (when:compress
, Rackla will check the request headers to make sure that the client accepts gzip - you can also set it to:force
to always respond with gzip).
So let's walk through what the function temperature_extractor
does. First of all, we pattern match to make sure that our HTTP request hasn't failed. If it has failed, we simply return a string with the reason for the failure. If our HTTP request has succeed, we try to decode it from JSON format using the library Jason. If the decoding is successful, we create a new Elixir map containing the name and the temperature for the response. This will be, for example, %{"Malmo" => 289.751}
in one of the responses. The response
function will later be able to encode this Elixir map into a JSON map automatically.
Done! That's all we need to do to make it work!
In this example, we will instead of providing an API, actually serve an entire HTML page that we can view in our browser. While serving a full HTML page is not really Rackla's main goal, this example illustrates how we can make recursive requests and work with chunked responses.
get "/instagram" do
"<!doctype html><html lang=\"en\"><head></head><body>"
|> Rackla.just
|> Rackla.response
"https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/self/feed?count=50&access_token=" <> conn.query_string
|> Rackla.request
|> Rackla.flat_map(fn(response) ->
case response do
{:error, error} ->
_ ->
case Jason.decode(response) do
{:ok, json} ->
|> Map.get("data")
|> Enum.map(&(&1["images"]["standard_resolution"]["url"]))
|> Rackla.request
|> Rackla.map(fn(img_data) ->
case img_data do
{:error, error} ->
_ ->
"<img src=\"data:image/jpeg;base64,#{Base.encode64(img_data)}\" height=\"150px\" width=\"150px\">"
{:error, _} ->
|> Rackla.response
|> Rackla.just
|> Rackla.response
Once again, let's go through the code to see what is happening. We start by exposing the end-point /instagram
as we normally do in Plug. Then we define the first of three pipelines. We store some HTML code in a string, convert it into a Rackla
type with the function just
and use response
to send it to the client.
After we've responded with the HTML code, we can move on to the big middle pipeline. In it, we will call the an Instagram API end-point - the actual response can be seen here: instagram.com/developer/endpoints/users/#get_users_feed. We have to pass an access token to the Instagram API so we let the user supply it via the query string in the browser and add it to the Instagram URL. We call request
with the URL and then use flat_map
. The reason for using flat_map
is because it gives us an easy way to create new requests based on the responses from previous requests.
If we get a response from the Instagram API, we decode it from JSON format to an Elixir data structure with Jason. We then extract the list stored in the key "data"
in the Instagram response. This will give us a list of items from our Instagram feed. We then map over these items and extract the URL for the images in standard resolution which will give us a list of URLs pointing to images. We can now pipe this list in to the request
function to fetch all these images.
Now, we map over the results - the results will now be binary image data! We can take this binary image data, Base64 encode it and place it inside a HTML image tag. By doing so, the browser can render the response chunks as images directly on our page. In the the "outer" pipeline, we end it with the response
function which will send the HTML image tags to the client, in this case the browser. (It is important to notice that response
is only used in the outer pipeline and not in the inner pipeline created inside flat_map
Finally, we create the last pipeline which will send the closing HTML tags.
What is cool about this approach is that the image requests are executed concurrently. This means that the image HTML tags will be sent to the client as soon as they are available (as soon as we get a response from any of the image requests). We only make one request to our API gateway from the client and we only send one response to the client from our API gateway but the images will be sent in chunks so they will show up one after another in the browser just like if we requested them individually.
We will also notice, in this example, that the order is nondeterministic - meaning that we will (most likely) get a different order in which the images are sent every time we refresh the page. If we wanted to preserve the ordering of the images, we could either send the ordering with the chunks and let the client code render the images on the correct position - or we could set the :sync
option to true
in response
which would then wait for the responses and then send them in the appropriate order.
Sending the username and password as headers:
get "/auth-example" do
url = "http://some-url.com"
headers = %{"Authorization" => "Basic #{Base.encode64("username:password")}"}
%Rackla.Request{url: url, headers: headers}
|> request
|> response
Adding them as part of the URL:
get "/auth-example" do
username = "my_username"
password = "my_password"
|> request
|> response
For more detailed information about using proxies, see the documentation for Rackla.Proxy
%Rackla.Request{url: "http://api.ipify.org", options: %{proxy: %Rackla.Proxy{type: :socks5, host: "localhost", port: 8080}}}
|> Rackla.request
|> Rackla.collect
|> Rackla.request(proxy: %Rackla.Proxy{type: :connect, host: "localhost", port: 8080})
|> Rackla.collect
get "/resp-time" do
current_millis = fn() ->
{mega, sec, micro} = :os.timestamp
(mega*1000000 + sec)*1000 + round(micro/1000)
urls = ["http://date.jsontest.com/", "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=Malmo,se"]
start_time = current_millis.()
|> request
|> map(fn(http_response) ->
end_time = current_millis.() - start_time
case http_response do
{:error, reason} ->
"HTTP request failed because: #{reason} in time #{end_time}"
ok_response ->
case Jason.decode(ok_response) do
{:ok, json_decoded} ->
Map.put(json_decoded, "response_time", end_time)
{:error, reason} ->
"Failed to decode response because: #{inspect(reason)} in time #{end_time}"
|> response(json: true)
get "/test/a-simple-request-proxy" do
# You should check for errors
{:ok, the_request} = incoming_request()
|> Map.put(:url, "http://new-url.com")
|> request
|> response
A collection of smaller example end-points can be found in found lib/rackla/router.ex which illustrates additional techniques that can be used in Rackla.
is also the name of the type used in all of Rackla's functions. Internally, it consists of a list of Elixir processes which communicate with message passing according to a protocol defined inside Rackla (these processes can themselves contain even more nested Rackla
types). The Rackla
type should never be modified directly!
The Rackla
type is created with request
which converts one or many HTTP requests to a single Rackla
type. You can also encapsulate normal Elixir types in a Rackla
type with the functions just
or just_list
Most functions, like map
, flat_map
and reduce
, defined in Rackla will take a Rackla
type and return a new Rackla
The response
function converts the Rackla
type to a HTTP response which is sent to the client by utilizing Plug
. You can also convert a Rackla
type into "normal" Elixir types with the function collect
It is important to note that once a Rackla
type has been used, it is no longer valid:
a = Rackla.just(1)
b = a |> Rackla.map(&(&1 + 1))
# a is now "dead" and can't be used anymore
Under normal circumstances, the Rackla
type should be "invisible". Think of it as the box which the data is transported inside and that all the functions you use automatically opens the box, takes out the value for you and then puts it in a new box when you're done with it.
(Or simply think of it as a monad if you're comfortable with that.)
The documentation is also available online.
Takes a single string (URL) or a Rackla.Request
struct and executes a HTTP
request to the defined server. You can, by using the Rackla.Request
specify more advanced options for your request such as which HTTP verb to use
but also individual connection timeout limits etc. You can also call this
function with a list of strings or Rackla.Request
structs in order to
perform multiple requests concurrently.
This function will return a Rackla
type which will contain the results
from the request(s) once available or an :error
tuple in case of failures
such non-responding servers or DNS lookup failures. Per default, on success, it
will only contain the response payload but the entire response can be used by
setting the option :full
to true.
- If set to true, theRackla
type will contain aRackla.Response
struct with the status code, headers and body (payload), default: false.:connect_timeout
- Connection timeout limit in milliseconds, default:5_000
- Receive timeout limit in milliseconds, default:5_000
- If set to true, SSL certificates will not be checked, default:false
If you specify any options in a Rackla.Request
struct, these will overwrite
the options passed to the request
function for that specific request.
Returns a new Rackla
type, where each encapsulated item is the result of
invoking fun
on each corresponding encapsulated item.
Rackla.just_list([1,2,3]) |> Rackla.map(fn(x) -> x * 2 end) |> Rackla.collect
[2, 4, 6]
Takes a Rackla
type, applies the specified function to each of the
elements encapsulated in it and returns a new Rackla
type with the
results. The given function must return a Rackla
This function is useful when you want to create a new request pipeline based
on the results of a previous request. In those cases, you can use
to access the response from a request and call
inside the function since Rackla.request
returns a
Rackla.just_list([1,2,3]) |> Rackla.flat_map(fn(x) -> Rackla.just(x * 2) end) |> Rackla.collect
[2, 4, 6]
Invokes fun
for each element in the Rackla
type passing that element and
the accumulator acc
as arguments. fun
s return value is stored in acc
. The
first element of the collection is used as the initial value of acc
(you can
also use Rackla.reduce/3
and specify your own accumulator). Returns the
accumulated value inside a Rackla
Rackla.just_list([1,2,3]) |> Rackla.reduce(fn (x, acc) -> x + acc end) |> Rackla.collect
Takes any type an encapsulates it in a Rackla
Rackla.just([1,2,3]) |> Rackla.map(&IO.inspect/1)
[1, 2, 3]
Takes a list of and encapsulates each of the containing elements separately
in a Rackla
Rackla.just_list([1,2,3]) |> Rackla.map(&IO.inspect/1)
Returns the element encapsulated inside a Rackla
type, or a list of
elements in case the Rackla
type contains many elements.
Rackla.just_list([1,2,3]) |> Rackla.collect
Returns a new Rackla
type by joining the encapsulated elements from two
Rackla.join(Rackla.just(1), Rackla.just(2)) |> Rackla.collect
[1, 2]
Converts a Rackla
type to a HTTP response and send it to the client by
using Plug.Conn
. The Plug.Conn
will be taken implicitly by looking for a
variable named conn
. If you want to specify which Plug.Conn
to use, you
can use Rackla.response_conn
Strings will be sent as is to the client. If the Rackla
type contains any
other type such as a list, it will be converted into a string by using inspect
on it. You can also convert Elixir data types to JSON format by setting the
option :json
to true.
Using this macro is the same as writing:
conn = response_conn(rackla, conn, options)
- Compresses the response by applying a gzip compression to it. When this option is used, the entire response has to be sent in one chunk. You can't reuse theconn
to send any more data afterRackla.response
set totrue
has been invoked. When set totrue
, Rackla will check the request headercontent-encoding
to make sure the client accepts gzip responses. If you want to respond with gzip without checking the request headers, you can set:compress
- If set to true, the encapsulated elements will be converted into a JSON encoded string before they are sent to the client. This will also set the header "Content-Type" to the appropriate "application/json; charset=utf-8".
Convert an incoming request (from Plug
) to a Rackla.Request
If options
is specified, it will be added to the Rackla.Request
For valid options, see documentation for Rackla.Request
Returns either {:ok, Rackla.Request}
or {:error, reason}
as per
The Plug.Conn
will be taken implicitly by looking for a variable named
. If you want to specify which Plug.Conn
to use, you can use
Using this macro is the same as writing:
conn = incoming_request_conn(conn, options)
From Plug.Conn
Because the request body can be of any size, reading the body will only work
once, as Plug will not cache the result of these operations. If you need to
access the body multiple times, it is your responsibility to store it. Finally
keep in mind some plugs like Plug.Parsers may read the body, so the body may
be unavailable after being accessed by such plugs.
Rackla source code is released under Apache 2 License. Check LICENSE file for more information.