- Naarm / Birrarung-ga / Melbourne AU
- https://freelancing-gods.com
- @[email protected]
- @pat
Vault SSH Agent is used to enable one time keys and passwords
Connect your Rails app to backing services via Broadstack/Heroku-style ENV vars.
jdelStrother / thinking-sphinx
Forked from pat/thinking-sphinxSphinx plugin for Rails and Merb
A very tiny shim that dramatically speeds up gem requires
Because Jan said I should - and who needs a better reason than that?
kickstarter / thinking-sphinx
Forked from pat/thinking-sphinxSphinx plugin for Rails and Merb
A thread-safe re-entrant resource pool for Ruby, extracted from the Riak Ruby Client.
Fork of Heroku's Ruby Buildpack for Cedar with added support for compiling Octopress sites. See the blog post for specifics:
DSL to describe, document and test web services
pat / rspec-fire
Forked from xaviershay/rspec-fireMore resilient test doubles for RSpec.
Generalized middleware implementation for Ruby.
Redirect ActiveRecord (Rails) reads to replica databases while ensuring all writes go to the primary database.
pat / ssl_requirement
Forked from bartt/ssl_requirementSSL Requirement plugin
pat / dnsimple-ruby
Forked from dnsimple/dnsimple-rubyA Ruby wrapper for the DNSimple API