Using Composer:
composer require pataar/smartstring
Either do
\Pataar\SmartString::create("Sample String");
new \Pataar\SmartString("Sample String");
After creating your SmartString, you can use several chainable methods to manipulate the string.
Some examples:
$sampletext = "Sample String";
echo \Pataar\SmartString::create($sampletext)->remove("String")->trim();
//which would echo "Sample"
echo \Pataar\SmartString::create($sampletext)->prefix("A new ")->normalize();
//which would echo "a-new-sample-string"
echo \Pataar\SmartString::create($sampletext)->toMd5WithSalt("Salting is good");
//which would echo "560fbd0056c4354c5dd0de0580c8c523"
echo \Pataar\SmartString::create($sampletext)->remove("String")->trim()->toLower()->prefix("String ");
//which would echo "String sample"
Creates an uppercase version of the string.
Creates an lowercase version of the string.
Trims the string. So removes any trailing whitespaces and spaces.
Prints the string.
Returns the index of a certain $input string.
Creates a substring of an existing string.
$smartString->substring($start, $length);
Creates an MD5 hash of the string.
Creates an salted MD5 hash of the string. Using both a prefix and suffix containing the given $salt
Encodes or decodes a B64 string.
Tells you on which index a certain character is placed.
Returns when the $string matches the $smartString.
Adds a $prefix to the string.
Adds a $suffix to the string.
Concats a string.
Replace a string with an other string.
$smartString->replace($search, $replacement);
Replaces a pattern.
$smartString->replacePattern($pattern, $replacement);
Remove a string
Returns the length of the string.
Normalizes the string. Making it URL/slug compatible.