- Hawaii
- https://jodent.io
- @patapizza
- https://www.threads.net/@jodent42
Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting
Execute Clojure(Script) directly from browser script tags via SCI
Static analyzer and linter for Clojure code that sparks joy
Configurable Clojure/Script interpreter suitable for scripting and Clojure DSLs
Davidobot / love.js
Forked from TannerRogalsky/love.jsLÖVE ported to the web using Emscripten, updated to the latest Emscripten and LÖVE (v11.5)
A company-mode backend for TabNine, the all-language autocompleter: https://tabnine.com/
Diem’s mission is to build a trusted and innovative financial network that empowers people and businesses around the world.
TensorFlow tutorials and best practices.
get things from one computer to another, safely
Language, engine, and tooling for expressing, testing, and evaluating composable language rules on input strings.
Heroku's classic buildpack for Clojure applications.
Moved to Codeberg; this is a convenience mirror
A minimal Ubuntu base image modified for Docker-friendliness
A small, fast, native lisp with "magical" powers
A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
Task generation for testing text understanding and reasoning
Sent2Vec encoder and training code from the paper "Skip-Thought Vectors"
Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant
Deprecated in favor of https://github.com/facebook/duckling
witd, a daemon to easily communicate with Wit
Embedded web server, with TCP/IP network stack, MQTT and Websocket