Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.5.
Use your favourite package manager:
use {'kristijanhusak/orgmode.nvim', config = function()
Plug 'kristijanhusak/orgmode.nvim'
call dein#add('kristijanhusak/orgmode.nvim')
org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
- Open agenda prompt: <Leader>oa
- Open capture prompt: <Leader>oc
- In any orgmode buffer press ? for help
If you use nvim-compe and want to enable autocompletion, add this to your compe config:
source = {
orgmode = true
For completion.nvim, just add omni
mode to chain complete list:
vim.g.completion_chain_complete_list = {
org = {
{ mode = 'omni'},
Or just use omnifunc
via <C-x><C-o>
- Agenda view
- Search by tags/keyword
- Repeatable dates, date and time ranges
- Capturing to default notes file/destination
- Archiving (archive file or ARCHIVE tag)
- Calendar popup for easier navigation and date updates
- Various org file mappings:
- Promote/Demote
- Change TODO state
- Change dates
- Insert/Move/Refile headlines
- Change tags
- Toggle checkbox state
- Agenda prompt:
- Agenda view (a):
- Ability to show daily(vd)/weekly(vw)/monthly(vm)/yearly(vy) agenda
- Support for various date settings:
- DEADLINE: Warning settings - example:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00 -1d>
- SCHEDULED: Delay setting - example:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00 -2d>
- All dates - Repeater settings:
- Cumulate type:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00 +1w>
- Catch-up type:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00 ++1w>
- Restart type:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00 .+1w>
- Cumulate type:
- Time ranges - example:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00-12:30>
- Date ranges - example:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00-12:30>--<2021-06-13 Sun 22:00>
- DEADLINE: Warning settings - example:
- Properly lists tasks according to defined dates (DEADLINE,SCHEDULED,Plain date)
- Navigate forward (f)/backward(b) or jump to specific date (J)
- Go to task under cursor in current window(<CR>) or other window(<TAB>)
- Print category from ":CATEGORY:" property if defined
- List tasks that have "TODO" state (t):
- Find headlines matching tag(s) (m):
- Search for headlines (and it's content) for a query (s):
- Agenda view (a):
- Capture:
- Define custom templates
- Fast capturing to default notes file via <C-c>
- Capturing to specific destination <Leader>or
- Abort capture with <Leader>ok
- Org files
- Refile to destination/headline: <Leader>or
- Increase/Decrease date under cursor: <C-a>/<C-x>
- Change date under cursor via calendar popup: cid
- Change headline TODO state: forwardcit or backwardciT
- Open hyperlink or date under cursor: <Leader>oo
- Toggle checkbox: <C-space>
- Toggle folding of current headline: <TAB>
- Toggle folding in whole file: <S-TAB>
- Archive headline: <Leader>o$
- Add archive tag: <Leader>oA
- Change tags: <Leader>ot
- Promote headline: <<
- Demote headline: >>
- Promote subtree: <s
- Demote subtree: >s
- Add headline/list item/checkbox: <Leader><CR>
- Insert heading after current heading and it's content: <Leader>oih
- Insert TODO heading after current line: <Leader>oiT
- Insert TODO heading after current heading and it's content: <Leader>oit
- Move headline up: <Leader>oK
- Move headline down: <Leader>oJ
- Highlighted code blocks (
#+BEGIN_SRC filetype
Link to detailed documentation: DOCS
To run tests, plenary.nvim is necessary. Once installed, run:
make test
Vim documentation is auto generated from file with md2vim.
Parser is written manually from scratch. It doesn't follow any parser writing patterns (AFAIK), because I don't have much experience with those. Any help on this topic is appreciated.
- Support searching by properties
- Improve checkbox hierarchy
- Support todo keyword faces
- Support clocking work time
- Improve folding
- Support exporting and publishing (via existing emacs tools)
- Support archiving to specific headline
- Support tables
- Support diary format dates
- Support evaluating code blocks
- @dhruvasagar and his vim-dotoo plugin that got me started using orgmode. Without him this plugin would not happen.
- vim-orgmode for some parts of the code (mostly syntax)