Download data from KITTI-360 website. Perspective, fisheye images and calibrations are required.
Please replace ${seq}, ${start}, ${end} varibales to select slice of KITTI-360, replace ${root_dir} and ${out} variables as paths on your machine.
Run the following scripts to generate data for HUGSIM:
cd data
zsh ./kitti360/
Waymo Open Dataset
Download Waymo NOTR dataset following the EmerNeRF doc.
Please select the ${segment}, replace ${base_dir} and ${out} variables as paths on your machine.
Run the following scripts to generate data for HUGSIM:
cd data
zsh ./waymo/
Download Nuscenes dataset from nuScenes Website.
The original key frames in Nuscenes are 2Hz, which is too sparse to reconstruct. Please follow ASAP to convert sweep data as key frames. The output version of ASAP is interp_12Hz_trainval.
Please select the ${seq}, replace ${data} and ${out} variables as paths on your machine.
Run the following scripts to generate data for HUGSIM:
cd data
zsh ./nusc/
The PandaSet official download link is no longer available. PandaSet can still be downloaded from Hugging face, thanks Georg Hess for sharing!
Please select the ${seq}, replace ${data} and ${out} variables as paths on your machine.
Run the following scripts to generate data for HUGSIM:
cd data
zsh ./pandaset/