Hongyu Zhou1, Longzhong Lin1, Jiabao Wang1, Yichong Lu1, Dongfeng Bai2, Bingbing Liu2, Yue Wang1, Andreas Geiger3,4, Yiyi Liao1,†
1 Zhejiang University 2 Huawei 3 University of Tübingen 4 Tübingen AI Center
† Corresponding Authors
This is the official project repository of the paper HUGSIM: A Real-Time, Photo-Realistic and Closed-Loop Simulator for Autonomous Driving
- Release sample data and results
- Release unicycle model part
- Release GUI
- Release more scenarios
Requirements are not in principle hard requirements, but there might be some differences (not tested):
- Linux
- Python 3.11
- CUDA 11.8
- colmap 3.10-dev
- Pytorch 2.5.1 / Pytorch 2.2.0
Create conda environment needed to run HUGSIM with:
conda create --name hugsim python=3.11
Please install these packages following official instructions
- Pytorch
- simple_waymo_open_dataset_reader
- tinycudann
- unidepth
- flow_vis_torch
- pytorch3d
- kitti360Scripts
- nuscenes-devkit (have to install from the source code for python 3.11)
- HUGSIM_splat
Please install packages required by InverseForm
Install remaining dependencies by:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the closed-loop simulation, the hug_sim gymnasium environment should be installed:
cd ./sim
pip install -e .
Please refer to Data Preparation Document
We will provide sample sequence data and reconstructed results. The download link will be provided later.
mkdir -p ${output_path}
python -u train_ground.py --data_cfg ./configs/${dataset_name: [kitti360, waymo, nusc, pandaset]}.yaml \
--source_path ${input_path} --model_path ${output_path}
python -u train.py --data_cfg ./configs/${dataset_name}.yaml \
--source_path ${input_path} --model_path ${output_path}
Before simulation, UniAD_SIM, VAD_SIM and NAVSIM client should be installed.
python closed_loop.py --scenario_path ${scenario_cfg_path} \
--base_path ./configs/sim/${dataset_name}_base.yaml \
--camera_path ./configs/sim/${dataset_name}_camera.yaml \
--kinematic_path ./configs/sim/kinematic.yaml \
--ad ${method_name: [uniad, vad, ltf]} \
--ad_cuda ${ad_cuda}
If you find our paper and codes useful, please kindly cite us via:
title={HUGSIM: A Real-Time, Photo-Realistic and Closed-Loop Simulator for Autonomous Driving},
author={Zhou, Hongyu and Lin, Longzhong and Wang, Jiabao and Lu, Yichong and Bai, Dongfeng and Liu, Bingbing and Wang, Yue and Geiger, Andreas and Liao, Yiyi},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.01718},