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Starred repositories
Sound As Pure Form - a Forth-like language for audio synthesis using lazy lists and APL-like auto-mapping.
Fluid Corpus Manipulation plugins for Supercollider
Hypertypes - generic programming for heterogeneous recursive types
Emacs Lisp bindings for tree-sitter
A fast open-union type, suitable for 100+ contained alternatives.
do-notation for Category and "Arrow without arr"
Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages
An old project to recreate Cocoa's FoundationKit and AppKit in JS instead of ObjectiveC
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
♊ higher-order, no-boilerplate monads
A Ruby gem to cache and verify the licenses of dependencies
An incremental parsing system for programming tools
A library written entirely in JavaScript for manipulating the DOM, handling events and making AJAX requests
Dependently-typed language w/ little to say for itself
Extremely modular text editor built in Haskell
Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking (including lock-free) data structures designed to aid in the research, design and implementation of high performance conc…
A Cloud monad based on transient for the creation of Web and reactive distributed applications that are fully composable, where Web browsers are first class nodes in the cloud
Neo-InitWare is a modular, cross-platform reimplementation of the systemd init system. It is experimental.