If you are using composer in your project, follow the first step. If not, carry on to "Without composer"
Add this to your projects composer.json file
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/luhmor/FinnApiClient"
"require": {
Then run:
composer update
Download the zip-file and this in your php:
use Finn\RestClient\CurlClient;
use Finn\FinnClient\FinnClient;
use Finn\RestClient\CurlClient;
use Finn\FinnClient\FinnClient;
//Set up the CurlClient to be used in FinnClient
$curlClient = new CurlClient(array(
"userAgent" => "testuser",
"httpMethod" => "GET"
//Set your apikey as a header
$apiKey = "<Your api key>";
"x-finn-apikey: $apiKey"
//Inject the curlClient into FinnClient
$client = new FinnClient($curlClient);
Then you can do a search with any query parameters for the 'realestate-homes'-resource
Any of the property resources may be used here.
$result = $client->search('realestate-homes', array(
'orgId' => '',
'page' => '',
'rows' => '',
'q' => 'bergen'
Or if you already know the id of the ad you want
you can use the client this way to get just the ONE object
$result = $client->getObject('realestate-homes', 48305632);