An early 2000s implementation of a 1980s idea.
This is based on those old Text Adventure games that were popular in the 70s and 80s. The idea is that you are given a text description of a location in a fantasy world and you are able to type commands to examine objects, move around the world and talk to game characters. The good ones told an interesting story and were fun to play. This is not a good one.
This is called a Text World because it is only semi-interactive. All you can do is move around. For example, type 'south' (or 's' for short) to move south. Other commands like 'examine', 'use', 'talk' etc. are not implemented. Type 'help' in the game for more information.
In it's current form, it's no more than a technology prototype.
PHP and MySQL on the backend. Dodgy 2004-era JavaScript and XHTML on the frontend. It uses Ajax for client-server communication which was cutting-edge (in 2004).