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Awesome Stars


My curated list of Github stars! Generated by starred_ml

This is also a repository template to be used with starred_ml. It includes:

  • A scheduled Github Actions to create a pull request with changes to
  • starred_ml installation with underlying required Ocaml stuff.

Have fun!


Total of 44 Languages starred:



  • BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3 - the official Rust and C implementations of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function


  • pikasTech/PikaPython - An ultra-lightweight Python interpreter that runs with only 4KB of RAM, zero dependencies. It is ready to use out of the box without any configuration required and easy to extend with C. Similar project: MicroPython, JerryScript.
  • apache/age - Graph database optimized for fast analysis and real-time data processing. It is provided as an extension to PostgreSQL.
  • bluemathsoft/bm-linalg - Linear Algebra in TypeScript
  • bloomberg/comdb2 - Bloomberg's distributed RDBMS
  • couchbaselabs/couchbase-rs - The official, community supported Couchbase Rust SDK
  • antirez/disque-module - Disque ported as Redis module
  • hydradatabase/hydra - Hydra: Column-oriented Postgres. Add scalable analytics to your project in minutes.
  • aergoio/litetree - SQLite with Branches
  • nanomsg/nanomsg - nanomsg library
  • jiangwenyuan/nuster - A high performance HTTP proxy cache server and RESTful NoSQL cache server based on HAProxy
  • onyx-lang/onyx - โœจ The compiler and developer toolchain for Onyx
  • pocoproject/poco - The POCO C++ Libraries are powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile, IoT, and embedded systems.
  • jakogut/tinyvm - TinyVM is a small, fast, lightweight virtual machine written in pure ANSI C.
  • zigzap/zap - blazingly fast backends in zig



  • Electrux/Ethereal - Ethereal Language Reference Implementation (archived). Currently working on Scribe.
  • Snapchat/KeyDB - A Multithreaded Fork of Redis
  • microsoft/LightGBM - A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
  • ReactiveX/RxCpp - Reactive Extensions for C++
  • aws/aws-sdk-cpp - AWS SDK for C++
  • bombela/backward-cpp - A beautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++
  • WiseLibs/better-sqlite3 - The fastest and simplest library for SQLite3 in Node.js.
  • tdenniston/bish - Bish is a language that compiles to Bash. It's designed to give shell scripting a more comfortable and modern feel.
  • cachelot/cachelot - Cache library and distributed caching server. Memcached compatible.
  • chdb-io/chdb - chDB is an in-process OLAP SQL Engine ๐Ÿš€ powered by ClickHouse
  • rjenkins/conservator - C++ Zookeeper client library inspired by Apache Curator
  • Naios/continuable - C++14 asynchronous allocation aware futures (supporting then, exception handling, coroutines and connections)
  • QHedgeTech/cpp-elasticsearch - C++ Client for elasticsearch
  • sztomi/cpp-static-init-block - Emulating the static initialization blocks of Java in C++
  • microsoft/cpprestsdk - The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to and interact with services.
  • haptork/easyLambda - distributed dataflows with functional list operations for data processing with C++14
  • Qihoo360/evpp - A modern C++ network library for developing high performance network services in TCP/UDP/HTTP protocols.
  • google/flatbuffers - FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
  • facebook/folly - An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
  • nomic-ai/gpt4all - GPT4All: Run Local LLMs on Any Device. Open-source and available for commercial use.
  • hazelcast/hazelcast-cpp-client - Hazelcast IMDG C++ Client
  • paulftw/hiberlite - C++ ORM for SQLite
  • STEllAR-GROUP/hpx - The C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency
  • SergiusTheBest/kmtest - Kernel-mode C++ unit testing framework in BDD-style
  • google/leveldb - LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
  • graphql/libgraphqlparser - A GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs
  • sirikata/liboauthcpp - A pure C++ OAuth library
  • mysql/mysql-connector-cpp - MySQL Connector/C++ is a MySQL database connector for C++. It lets you develop C++ and C applications that connect to MySQL Server.
  • toymachine/park-lang - Park programming language
  • duckdb/pg_duckdb - DuckDB-powered Postgres for high performance apps & analytics.
  • oliora/ppconsul - C++ client for Consul (
  • timeplus-io/proton - High-performance, low-footprint SQL database written in C++. Process millions of rows per second from Kafka, Pulsar, or ClickHouse, and seamlessly write results back. Supports powerful features like JOIN, CDC, UPSERT, and LOOKUP, enabling real-time analytics and ETL at scale.
  • hmartiro/redox - Modern, asynchronous, and wicked fast C++11 client for Redis
  • Corvusoft/restbed - Corvusoft's Restbed framework brings asynchronous RESTful functionality to C++14 applications.
  • rpclib/rpclib - rpclib is a modern C++ msgpack-RPC server and client library
  • scylladb/seastar - High performance server-side application framework
  • fnc12/sqlite_orm - โค๏ธ SQLite ORM light header only library for modern C++
  • uNetworking/uWebSockets - Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of applications
  • vnaydionov/yb-orm - YB.ORM is an object-relational mapper for C++
  • ydb-platform/ydb - YDB is an open source Distributed SQL Database that combines high availability and scalability with strong consistency and ACID transactions







  • stakater/Reloader - A Kubernetes controller to watch changes in ConfigMap and Secrets and do rolling upgrades on Pods with their associated Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet and DeploymentConfig โ€“ [โœฉStar] if you're using it!
  • chaitin/SafeLine - SafeLine is a self-hosted WAF(Web Application Firewall) / reverse proxy to protect your web apps from attacks and exploits.
  • nektos/act - Run your GitHub Actions locally ๐Ÿš€
  • FiloSottile/age - A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
  • ariasql/ariasql - The AriaSQL relational database management system.
  • hibiken/asynq - Simple, reliable, and efficient distributed task queue in Go
  • atomix/atomix - A Kubernetes toolkit for building distributed applications using cloud native principles
  • etcd-io/bbolt - An embedded key/value database for Go.
  • warpstreamlabs/bento - Fancy stream processing made operationally mundane. This repository is a fork of the original project before the license was changed.
  • allegro/bigcache - Efficient cache for gigabytes of data written in Go.
  • bruin-data/bruin - Build data pipelines with SQL and Python, ingest data from different sources, add quality checks, and build end-to-end flows.
  • charmbracelet/bubbletea - A powerful little TUI framework ๐Ÿ—
  • containers/buildah - A tool that facilitates building OCI images.
  • everettraven/buoy - A declarative Kubernetes dashboard in your terminal
  • cayleygraph/cayley - An open-source graph database
  • cerbos/cerbos - Cerbos is the open core, language-agnostic, scalable authorization solution that makes user permissions and authorization simple to implement and manage by writing context-aware access control policies for your application resources.
  • caddyserver/certmagic - Automatic HTTPS for any Go program: fully-managed TLS certificate issuance and renewal
  • go-chi/chi - lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services
  • berops/claudie - Cloud-agnostic managed Kubernetes
  • cloudprober/cloudprober - An active monitoring software to detect failures before your customers do.
  • abiosoft/colima - Container runtimes on macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup
  • componego/componego - The most flexible component-oriented framework for GoLang applications
  • sourcegraph/conc - Better structured concurrency for go
  • redpanda-data/connect - Fancy stream processing made operationally mundane
  • frain-dev/convoy - The Cloud Native Webhooks Gateway
  • gopherd/core - A powerful Go library that provides a component-based development framework for building backend services.
  • cogentcore/core - A free and open source framework for building powerful, fast, elegant 2D and 3D apps that run on macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, and the web with a single Go codebase, allowing you to Code Once, Run Everywhere.
  • gazette/core - Build platforms that flexibly mix SQL, batch, and stream processing paradigms
  • coroot/coroot - Coroot is an open-source APM & Observability tool, a DataDog and NewRelic alternative ๐Ÿ“Š, ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ, ๐Ÿ‘‰. Powered by eBPF for rapid insights into system performance. Monitor, analyze, and optimize your infrastructure effortlessly for peak reliability at any scale.
  • cortezaproject/corteza - Low-code platform
  • crossplane/crossplane - The Cloud Native Control Plane
  • heimdalr/dag - Yet another directed acyclic graph (DAG) implementation in golang.
  • daytonaio/daytona - The Open Source Dev Environment Manager.
  • decred/dcrd - Decred daemon in Go (golang).
  • docker-archive/deploykit - A toolkit for creating and managing declarative, self-healing infrastructure.
  • hypermodeinc/dgraph - high-performance graph database for real-time use cases
  • wagoodman/dive - A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
  • dolthub/dolt - Dolt โ€“ Git for Data
  • dolthub/doltgresql - DoltgreSQL - Version Controlled PostgreSQL
  • kmarkela/duffman - Fuzzer and Lightweight CLI Client for Postman Collections
  • microsoft/durabletask-go - The Durable Task Framework is a lightweight, embeddable engine for writing durable, fault-tolerant business logic (orchestrations) as ordinary code.
  • zrougamed/dynamic-notification-system - A Go-based dynamic notification scheduler. Supports multi-channel notifications (Slack, Email, SMS, Webhook), flexible intervals, and database-driven job scheduling with execution logging.
  • labstack/echo - High performance, minimalist Go web framework
  • rapidloop/ellycache - Simple, performant, isolative query cache with HTTP server for PostgreSQL
  • flume/enthistory - History tables for ent
  • ergo-services/ergo - An actor-based Framework with network transparency for creating event-driven architecture in Golang. Inspired by Erlang. Zero dependencies.
  • etcd-io/etcd - Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
  • mishudark/eventhus - Go - CQRS / Event Sourcing made easy - Go
  • tidwall/evio - Fast event-loop networking for Go
  • expr-lang/expr - Expression language and expression evaluation for Go
  • kubernetes-sigs/external-dns - Configure external DNS servers (AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS and others) for Kubernetes Ingresses and Services
  • VictoriaMetrics/fastcache - Fast thread-safe inmemory cache for big number of entries in Go. Minimizes GC overhead
  • fastschema/fastschema - All-in-One Backend as a Service with Headless CMS Power
  • pquerna/ffjson - faster JSON serialization for Go
  • paulosuzart/fgamanager - A Text based UI for managing FGA Tuples
  • turbot/flowpipe - Flowpipe is a cloud scripting engine. Automation and workflow to connect your clouds to the people, systems and data that matters.
  • flynn/flynn - [UNMAINTAINED] A next generation open source platform as a service (PaaS)
  • charmbracelet/freeze - Generate images of code and terminal output ๐Ÿ“ธ
  • flomesh-io/fsm - Lightweight service mesh for Kubernetes East-West and North-South traffic management, uses ebpf for layer4 and pipy proxy for layer7 traffic management, support multi cluster network.
  • go-fuego/fuego - Golang Fuego - web framework generating OpenAPI 3 spec from source code
  • fyne-io/fyne - Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design
  • paulosuzart/gb - Go Benchmark. Inspired by Apache Benchmark
  • onsi/ginkgo - A Modern Testing Framework for Go
  • steveyen/gkvlite - Simple, ordered, key-value persistence library for the Go Language
  • glasskube/glasskube - ๐ŸงŠ The next generation Package Manager for Kubernetes ๐Ÿ“ฆ Featuring a GUI and a CLI. Glasskube packages are dependency aware, GitOps ready and can get automatic updates via a central public package repository.
  • charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿป
  • maxence-charriere/go-app - A package to build progressive web apps with Go programming language and WebAssembly.
  • asticode/go-astilectron - Build cross platform GUI apps with GO and HTML/JS/CSS (powered by Electron)
  • amitshekhariitbhu/go-backend-clean-architecture - A Go (Golang) Backend Clean Architecture project with Gin, MongoDB, JWT Authentication Middleware, Test, and Docker.
  • toorop/go-bittrex - Go binding for the Bittrex crypto-currency exchange API.
  • Melkeydev/go-blueprint - Go-blueprint allows users to spin up a quick Go project using a popular framework
  • wcharczuk/go-chart - go chart is a basic charting library in go.
  • unionj-cloud/go-doudou - go-doudou๏ผˆdoudou pronounce /dษ™udษ™u/๏ผ‰is OpenAPI 3.0 (for REST) spec and Protobuf v3 (for grpc) based lightweight microservice framework. It supports monolith service application as well.
  • ipfs/go-ds-crdt - A distributed go-datastore implementation using Merkle-CRDTs.
  • BooleanCat/go-functional - go-functional is a library of iterators to augment the standard library
  • thoas/go-funk - A modern Go utility library which provides helpers (map, find, contains, filter, ...)
  • skelterjohn/go-gb - A(nother) tool to build go projects.
  • mattn/go-gtk - Go binding for GTK
  • kofalt/go-memoize - An easy, no-frills memoizer for Go. Cache your expensive function calls.
  • dolthub/go-mysql-server - A MySQL-compatible relational database with a storage agnostic query engine. Implemented in pure Go.
  • redis/go-redis - Redis Go client
  • madari/ - A Socket.IO backend implementation written in Go
  • go-swagger/go-swagger - Swagger 2.0 implementation for go
  • Azure/go-workflow - Workflow is library to organize steps with dependencies into DAG (Directed-Acyclic-Graph) for Go
  • Tochemey/goakt - [Go] Fast and Distributed Actor framework using protocol buffers as message for Golang
  • nsf/gocode - An autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language
  • joho/godotenv - A Go port of Ruby's dotenv library (Loads environment variables from .env files)
  • emirpasic/gods - GoDS (Go Data Structures) - Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, Trees, Queues, and much more
  • brianvoe/gofakeit - Random fake data generator written in go
  • tz3/goforge - GoForge is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to streamline the setup of new API projects for Go developers. With GoForge, you can quickly generate a well-structured project skeleton, allowing you to focus on writing actual code rather than spending time on boilerplate setup.
  • ligfx/golang-distributed-filesystem - HDFS-alike in Go. Written in 2014 to learn the language and get a job.
  • johnnadratowski/golang-neo4j-bolt-driver - Golang Bolt driver for Neo4j
  • AjayMT/golsp - The Golsp programming language.
  • cosmos72/gomacro - Interactive Go interpreter and debugger with REPL, Eval, generics and Lisp-like macros
  • maragudk/gomponents - HTML components in pure Go.
  • elazarl/goproxy - An HTTP proxy library for Go
  • go-gorm/gorm - The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly
  • leomorpho/goship - Opinionated Go/HTMX boilerplate with payments, emails, auth, notifications and more!โ›ต๏ธ
  • gptscript-ai/gptscript - Build AI assistants that interact with your systems
  • 99designs/gqlgen - go generate based graphql server library
  • dominikbraun/graph - A library for creating generic graph data structures and modifying, analyzing, and visualizing them.
  • graphql-go/graphql - An implementation of GraphQL for Go / Golang
  • ldebruijn/graphql-protect - A dead-simple yet highly customizable security proxy compatible with any HTTP GraphQL Server or Gateway.
  • hyperjumptech/grule-rule-engine - Rule engine implementation in Golang
  • charmbracelet/gum - A tool for glamorous shell scripts ๐ŸŽ€
  • google/gvisor - Application Kernel for Containers
  • nvellon/hal - A Golang implementation of HAL media type standard
  • malisetti/hartman - hartman is a go routine manager
  • hatchet-dev/hatchet - A distributed, fault-tolerant task queue
  • arttor/helmify - Creates Helm chart from Kubernetes yaml
  • huton-io/huton - An embeddable and distributed in-memory key-value store written in Go
  • codenotary/immudb - immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL/Key-Value/Document model, tamperproof, data change history
  • apache/incubator-seata-go - Go Implementation For Seata
  • cruise-automation/isopod - An expressive DSL and framework for Kubernetes configuration without YAML
  • istio/istio - Connect, secure, control, and observe services.
  • indeedeng/iwf - iWF is a WorkflowAsCode microservice orchestration platform offering an orchestration coding framework and service for building resilient, fault-tolerant, scalable long-running processes
  • guycipher/k4 - High-performance open-source, durable, transactional embedded storage engine designed for low-latency, and optimized read and write efficiency.
  • clastix/kamaji - Kamaji is the Hosted Control Plane Manager for Kubernetes.
  • projectdiscovery/katana - A next-generation crawling and spidering framework.
  • xiaonanln/keylock - Golang utility class KeyLock: lock by string key, so as to avoid giant lock
  • kubernetes/kops - Kubernetes Operations (kOps) - Production Grade k8s Installation, Upgrades and Management
  • yonahd/kor - A Golang Tool to discover unused Kubernetes Resources
  • konstructio/kubefirst - The Kubefirst Open Source Platform
  • kumahq/kuma - ๐Ÿป The multi-zone service mesh for containers, Kubernetes and VMs. Built with Envoy. CNCF Sandbox Project.
  • jesseduffield/lazydocker - The lazier way to manage everything docker
  • liftbridge-io/liftbridge - Lightweight, fault-tolerant message streams.
  • aki237/ligo - ligo language interpreter
  • superfly/litefs - FUSE-based file system for replicating SQLite databases across a cluster of machines
  • samber/lo - ๐Ÿ’ฅ A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)
  • sirupsen/logrus - Structured, pluggable logging for Go.
  • natefinch/lumberjack - lumberjack is a log rolling package for Go
  • medama-io/medama - Self-hostable, privacy-focused website analytics.
  • hashicorp/memberlist - Golang package for gossip based membership and failure detection
  • moby/moby - The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
  • eko/monday - โšก๏ธ A dev tool for microservice developers to run local applications and/or forward others from/to Kubernetes SSH or TCP
  • hoisie/mustache - The mustache template language in Go
  • kataras/neffos - A modern, fast and scalable websocket framework with elegant API written in Go
  • nucleuscloud/neosync - Open source data anonymization and synthetic data orchestration for developers. Create high fidelity synthetic data and sync it across your environments.
  • nitrictech/nitric - Nitric is a multi-language framework for cloud applications with infrastructure from code.
  • attic-labs/noms - The versioned, forkable, syncable database
  • nixys/nxs-data-anonymizer - A tool for anonymizing PostgreSQL and MySQL databases' dump
  • oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy - A reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Azure, OpenID Connect and many more identity providers.
  • ollama/ollama - Get up and running with Llama 3.3, Phi 4, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
  • openfga/openfga - A high performance and flexible authorization/permission engine built for developers and inspired by Google Zanzibar
  • craigpastro/openfga-dsl-parser -
  • careduct/openfga_aws - This repository includes the code necessary to deploy the HTTP endpoint of OpenFGA on AWS Lambda and Amazon RDS.
  • gianarb/orbiter - Orbiter is an opensource docker swarm autoscaler
  • mikestefanello/pagoda - Rapid, easy full-stack web development starter kit in Go
  • pgflo/pg_flo - Stream, transform, and route PostgreSQL data in real-time.
  • mosuka/phalanx - Phalanx is a cloud-native distributed search engine that provides endpoints through gRPC and traditional RESTful API.
  • andydunstall/piko - An open-source alternative to Ngrok, designed to serve production traffic and be simple to host (particularly on Kubernetes)
  • pocketbase/pocketbase - Open Source realtime backend in 1 file
  • harshadmanglani/polaris - Polaris: High performance workflow orchestrator for Golang
  • cashapp/pranadb -
  • asynkron/protoactor-go - Proto Actor - Ultra fast distributed actors for Go, C# and Java/Kotlin
  • mogenius/punq - A slim open-source workload manager for Kubernetes with team collaboration, WebApp, and CLI.
  • oxequa/realize - Realize is the #1 Golang Task Runner which enhance your workflow by automating the most common tasks and using the best performing Golang live reloading.
  • nalgeon/redka - Redis re-implemented with SQLite
  • rigdev/rig - The DevEx & Application-layer for your Internal Developer Platform โ›ต
  • risor-io/risor - Fast and flexible scripting for Go developers and DevOps.
  • riverqueue/river - Fast and reliable background jobs in Go
  • rqlite/rqlite - The lightweight, user-friendly, distributed relational database built on SQLite.
  • rulego/rulego - โ›“๏ธRuleGo is a lightweight, high-performance, embedded, next-generation component orchestration rule engine framework for Go.
  • JJBordy/rules - Minimal rules engine, uses yaml as input
  • schemahero/schemahero - A Kubernetes operator for declarative database schema management (gitops for database schemas)
  • seaweedfs/seaweedfs - SeaweedFS is a fast distributed storage system for blobs, objects, files, and data lake, for billions of files! Blob store has O(1) disk seek, cloud tiering. Filer supports Cloud Drive, cross-DC active-active replication, Kubernetes, POSIX FUSE mount, S3 API, S3 Gateway, Hadoop, WebDAV, encryption, Erasure Coding.
  • MightyMoud/sidekick - Bare metal to production ready in mins; your own fly server on your VPS.
  • tobert/skeezy - A simple blog using Go & Cassandra
  • apache/skywalking-swck - Apache SkyWalking Cloud on Kubernetes
  • slatedb/slatedb-go - A cloud native embedded storage engine built on object storage.
  • maaslalani/slides - Terminal based presentation tool
  • slingdata-io/sling-cli - Sling is a CLI tool that extracts data from a source storage/database and loads it in a target storage/database.
  • SnellerInc/sneller - World's fastest log analysis: ฮป + SQL + JSON + S3
  • authzed/spicedb - Open Source, Google Zanzibar-inspired database for scalably storing and querying fine-grained authorization data
  • go-dev-frame/sponge - A powerful Go development framework for developing RESTful APIs, gRPC, and microservices projects in a "low-code" manner.
  • volatiletech/sqlboiler - Generate a Go ORM tailored to your database schema.
  • sqlc-dev/sqlc - Generate type-safe code from SQL
  • jmoiron/sqlx - general purpose extensions to golang's database/sql
  • owenrumney/squealer - Telling tales on you for leaking secrets!
  • stern/stern - โŽˆ Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes -- Friendly fork of
  • asdine/storm - Simple and powerful toolkit for BoltDB
  • siderolabs/talos - Talos Linux is a modern Linux distribution built for Kubernetes.
  • grafana/tanka - Flexible, reusable and concise configuration for Kubernetes
  • runvnc/tealang - Tealang - high level language for Algorand ASC1 and TEAL
  • a-h/templ - A language for writing HTML user interfaces in Go.
  • hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws - The AWS Provider enables Terraform to manage AWS resources.
  • ionos-cloud/terraform-provider-ionoscloud - The IonosCloud Terraform provider gives the ability to deploy and configure resources using the IonosCloud APIs.
  • ZEISS/terraform-provider-openfga - (Experimental) OpenFGA Terraform Provider
  • GoogleCloudPlatform/terraformer - CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform). Infrastructure to Code
  • tilt-dev/tilt - Define your dev environment as code. For microservice apps on Kubernetes.
  • aserto-dev/topaz - Cloud-native authorization for modern applications and APIs
  • runabol/tork - Tork is a lightweight, distributed workflow engine that runs tasks as simple scripts within Docker containers, eliminating the need for specialized code.
  • traefik/traefik - The Cloud Native Application Proxy
  • rivo/tview - Terminal UI library with rich, interactive widgets โ€”ย written in Golang
  • twitchtv/twirp - A simple RPC framework with protobuf service definitions
  • oklog/ulid - Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Go
  • updatecli/updatecli - A Declarative Dependency Management tool
  • xo/usql - Universal command-line interface for SQL databases
  • ovh/utask - ยตTask is an automation engine that models and executes business processes declared in yaml. โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ“‹
  • poonai/vegamcache - Distributed in-memory cache using gossip protocol in go-lang
  • ovh/venom - ๐Ÿ Manage and run your integration tests with efficiency - Venom run executors (script, HTTP Request, web, imap, etc... ) and assertions
  • charmbracelet/vhs - Your CLI home video recorder ๐Ÿ“ผ
  • blastrain/vitess-sqlparser - simply SQL Parser for Go ( powered by vitess and TiDB )
  • warrant-dev/warrant - Warrant is a highly scalable, centralized authorization service based on Google Zanzibar. Use it to define, enforce, query, and audit application authorization and access control.
  • webhookx-io/webhookx - an open-source webhooks gateway for message receiving, processing, and delivering.
  • google/wire - Compile-time Dependency Injection for Go
  • edwingeng/wuid - An extremely fast globally unique number generator.
  • uber-go/zap - Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.
  • zincsearch/zincsearch - ZincSearch . A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go.







Jupyter Notebook





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  • timescale/pgai - A suite of tools to develop RAG, semantic search, and other AI applications more easily with PostgreSQL
  • tembo-io/pgmq - A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
  • launchql/pgsql-parser - PostgreSQL Query Parser for Node.js


  • simular-ai/Agent-S - Agent S: an open agentic framework that uses computers like a human
  • Thytu/Agentarium - open-source framework for creating and managing simulations populated with AI-powered agents. It provides an intuitive platform for designing complex, interactive environments where agents can act, learn, and evolve.
  • open-mmlab/Amphion - Amphion (/รฆmหˆfaษชษ™n/) is a toolkit for Audio, Music, and Speech Generation. Its purpose is to support reproducible research and help junior researchers and engineers get started in the field of audio, music, and speech generation research and development.
  • mikeknapp/AppEngine-OAuth-Library - An OAuth library for interacting with Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and Yahoo on AppEngine
  • IAHispano/Applio - A simple, high-quality voice conversion tool focused on ease of use and performance.
  • eosphoros-ai/DB-GPT - AI Native Data App Development framework with AWEL(Agentic Workflow Expression Language) and Agents
  • hacksider/Deep-Live-Cam - real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image
  • lm-sys/FastChat - An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language models. Release repo for Vicuna and Chatbot Arena.
  • pydantic/FastUI - Build better UIs faster.
  • Ucas-HaoranWei/GOT-OCR2.0 - Official code implementation of General OCR Theory: Towards OCR-2.0 via a Unified End-to-end Model
  • InternLM/InternLM - Official release of InternLM series (InternLM, InternLM2, InternLM2.5, InternLM3).
  • All-Hands-AI/OpenHands - ๐Ÿ™Œ OpenHands: Code Less, Make More
  • olucurious/PyFCM - Python client for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (Android, iOS and Web)
  • digitalreasoning/PyStratus - Python-based utility for managing various distributed services on cloud providers
  • thisbejim/Pyrebase - A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API.
  • QwenLM/Qwen-Agent - Agent framework and applications built upon Qwen>=2.0, featuring Function Calling, Code Interpreter, RAG, and Chrome extension.
  • billxbf/ReWOO - Decoupling Reasoning from Observations for Efficient Augmented Language Models
  • MODSetter/SurfSense - A Personal NotebookLM and Perplexity-like AI Assistant for Everyone. Research and Never forget Anything.
  • OpenBMB/ToolBench - [ICLR'24 spotlight] An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model for tool learning.
  • ActivityWatch/activitywatch - The best free and open-source automated time tracker. Cross-platform, extensible, privacy-focused.
  • Agenta-AI/agenta - The open-source LLMOps platform: prompt playground, prompt management, LLM evaluation, and LLM Observability all in one place.
  • msoedov/agentic_security - Agentic LLM Vulnerability Scanner / AI red teaming kit
  • marshmallow-code/apispec - A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification)..
  • goauthentik/authentik - The authentication glue you need.
  • microsoft/autogen - A programming framework for agentic AI ๐Ÿค– PyPi: autogen-agentchat Discord: Office Hour:
  • autogluon/autogluon - Fast and Accurate ML in 3 Lines of Code
  • phunt/avro-rpc-quickstart - Apache Avro RPC Quick Start.
  • lauris/awesome-scala - A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.
  • earl/beanstalkc - A simple beanstalkd client library for Python
  • browser-use/browser-use - Make websites accessible for AI agents
  • DAGWorks-Inc/burr - Build applications that make decisions (chatbots, agents, simulations, etc...). Monitor, trace, persist, and execute on your own infrastructure.
  • celery/celery - Distributed Task Queue (development branch)
  • Chainlit/chainlit - Build Conversational AI in minutes โšก๏ธ
  • mkwatson/chat_any_site -
  • anfederico/clairvoyant - Software designed to identify and monitor social/historical cues for short term stock movement
  • GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-vision - Sample code for Google Cloud Vision
  • evhub/coconut - Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
  • replicate/cog - Containers for machine learning
  • hkage/cookiecutter-tornado - Cookiecutter template for Tornado based projects
  • fiorix/cyclone - Cyclone is a web server framework for Python, that implements the Tornado API as a Twisted protocol.
  • datafold/data-diff - Compare tables within or across databases
  • anelendata/dbt-ksql - dbt ksqlDB adapter
  • smol-ai/developer - the first library to let you embed a developer agent in your own app!
  • anymail/django-anymail - Django email backends and webhooks for Amazon SES, Brevo (Sendinblue), MailerSend, Mailgun, Mailjet, Postmark, Postal, Resend, SendGrid, SparkPost, Unisender Go and more
  • byashimov/django-controlcenter - Set of widgets to build dashboards for Django projects
  • kraiz/django-crontab - dead simple crontab powered job scheduling for django.
  • raiderrobert/django-multiurl - Have you ever wanted multiple views to match to the same URL? Now you can.
  • DS4SD/docling - Get your documents ready for gen AI
  • microsoft/durabletask-python - A Durable Task Python SDK compatible with Dapr Workflow and its underlying Durable Task engine
  • arthurio/fastapi-filter - Filter and order your endpoints
  • faust-streaming/faust - Python Stream Processing. A Faust fork
  • lixxu/flask-paginate - Pagination support for flask
  • babbel/floto - Task Orchestration Tool Based on SWF and boto3
  • minimaxir/gpt-2-simple - Python package to easily retrain OpenAI's GPT-2 text-generating model on new texts
  • AntonOsika/gpt-engineer - Platform to experiment with the AI Software Engineer. Terminal based. NOTE: Very different from
  • marcio704/graphic_editor - Description on 'instructions.txt'
  • benoitc/gunicorn - gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and sleepy applications.
  • hazelcast/hazelcast-python-client - Hazelcast Python Client
  • python-jsonschema/jsonschema - An implementation of the JSON Schema specification for Python
  • sauljabin/kaskade - kaskade is a text user interface for kafka, which allows you to interact and consume topics from your terminal in style!
  • khoj-ai/khoj - Your AI second brain. Self-hostable. Get answers from the web or your docs. Build custom agents, schedule automations, do deep research. Turn any online or local LLM into your personal, autonomous AI (gpt, claude, gemini, llama, qwen, mistral). Get started - free.
  • capjamesg/knowledge-graph-language - A query language for exploring knowledge graphs.
  • lancedb/lancedb - Developer-friendly, serverless vector database for AI applications. Easily add long-term memory to your LLM apps!
  • carbonfact/lea - ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ Minimalist alternative to dbt
  • Lightning-AI/lit-llama - Implementation of the LLaMA language model based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, Int8 and GPTQ 4bit quantization, LoRA and LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed.
  • BerriAI/litellm - Python SDK, Proxy Server (LLM Gateway) to call 100+ LLM APIs in OpenAI format - [Bedrock, Azure, OpenAI, VertexAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Sagemaker, HuggingFace, Replicate, Groq]
  • Lightning-AI/litgpt - 20+ high-performance LLMs with recipes to pretrain, finetune and deploy at scale.
  • DataExpert-io/llm-driven-data-engineering - This is a public repository to go over all the LLM-driven data engineering concepts.
  • localstack/localstack - ๐Ÿ’ป A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline
  • spotify/luigi - Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.
  • mage-ai/mage-ai - ๐Ÿง™ Build, run, and manage data pipelines for integrating and transforming data.
  • marimo-team/marimo - A reactive notebook for Python โ€” run reproducible experiments, execute as a script, deploy as an app, and version with git.
  • mem0ai/mem0 - The Memory layer for your AI apps
  • mindsdb/mindsdb - AGI's query engine - Platform for building AI that can learn and answer questions over federated data.
  • usefulsensors/moonshine - Fast and accurate automatic speech recognition (ASR) for edge devices
  • ShoggothAI/motleycrew - Flexible and powerful multi-agent AI framework
  • mabel-dev/opteryx - ๐Ÿฆ– A SQL-on-everything Query Engine you can execute over multiple databases and file formats. Query your data, where it lives.
  • codelion/optillm - Optimizing inference proxy for LLMs
  • dottxt-ai/outlines - Structured Text Generation
  • cusma/pe-de-manga - Plante e regue um pรฉ de manga, grite oxรช e colhe sua deliciosa manga NFT! ๐Ÿฅญ
  • piku/piku - The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen. Piku allows you to do git push deployments to your own servers.
  • qodo-ai/pr-agent - ๐Ÿš€ PR-Agent (Qodo Merge open-source): An AI-Powered ๐Ÿค– Tool for Automated Pull Request Analysis, Feedback, Suggestions and More! ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ”
  • zylon-ai/private-gpt - Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
  • getmoss/pullama - A Pull Request summarizer powered by Ollama and Llama2
  • pydantic/pydantic-ai - Agent Framework / shim to use Pydantic with LLMs
  • Kanaries/pygwalker - PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into an interactive UI for visual analysis
  • recombee/python-api-client - Python client for easy use of the Recombee recommendation API
  • facebookarchive/python-instagram - Python Client for Instagram API
  • ingolemo/python-lenses - A python lens library for manipulating deeply nested immutable structures
  • openfga/python-sdk - OpenFGA SDK for Python 3 -
  • KruxAI/ragbuilder - A toolkit to create optimal Production-readyRetrieval Augmented Generation(RAG) setup for your data
  • ray-project/ray - Ray is an AI compute engine. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI Libraries for accelerating ML workloads.
  • reactive-python/reactpy - It's React, but in Python
  • leegao/readme2tex - Renders TeXy Math for Github Readmes
  • rio-labs/rio - WebApps in pure Python. No JavaScript, HTML and CSS needed
  • pypa/sampleproject - A sample project that exists for PyPUG's "Tutorial on Packaging and Distributing Projects"
  • BeastByteAI/scikit-llm - Seamlessly integrate LLMs into scikit-learn.
  • sgl-project/sglang - SGLang is a fast serving framework for large language models and vision language models.
  • sieve-project/sieve - Automatic Reliability Testing for Kubernetes Controllers and Operators
  • minimaxir/simpleaichat - Python package for easily interfacing with chat apps, with robust features and minimal code complexity.
  • marcelnicolay/simplexml - Simple and fast XML encoder/decoder for Python
  • Skyvern-AI/skyvern - Automate browser-based workflows with LLMs and Computer Vision
  • explosion/spaCy - ๐Ÿ’ซ Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
  • tobymao/sqlglot - Python SQL Parser and Transpiler
  • fastapi/sqlmodel - SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness.
  • tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs - The Tahoe-LAFS decentralized secure filesystem.
  • Avaiga/taipy - Turns Data and AI algorithms into production-ready web applications in no time.
  • testcontainers/testcontainers-python - Testcontainers is a Python library that providing a friendly API to run Docker container. It is designed to create runtime environment to use during your automatic tests.
  • tornadoweb/tornado - Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.
  • Kitware/trame - Trame lets you weave various components and technologies into a Web Application solely written in Python.
  • huggingface/transformers - ๐Ÿค— Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
  • tav/tweetapp - Framework for creating Twitter apps on App Engine
  • buremba/universql - The bridge to effortless multi-engine data applications, currently supports Snowflake โ„๏ธ and DuckDB ๐Ÿฆ†
  • unslothai/unsloth - Finetune Llama 3.3, Mistral, Phi-4, Qwen 2.5 & Gemma LLMs 2-5x faster with 70% less memory
  • vanna-ai/vanna - ๐Ÿค– Chat with your SQL database ๐Ÿ“Š. Accurate Text-to-SQL Generation via LLMs using RAG ๐Ÿ”„.




  • rescript-lang/rescript - ReScript is a robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript.




  • HigherOrderCO/Bend - A massively parallel, high-level programming language
  • mistricky/CodeSnap - ๐Ÿฆ€๏ธ๐Ÿ“ธ Pure Rust tool to generate beautiful code snapshots, provide CLI and Library
  • Eventual-Inc/Daft - Distributed data engine for Python/SQL designed for the cloud, powered by Rust
  • SeaQL/FireDBG.for.Rust - ๐Ÿ”ฅ Time Travel Visual Debugger for Rust
  • cswinter/LocustDB - Blazingly fast analytics database that will rapidly devour all of your data.
  • actix/actix-web - Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
  • ankitects/anki - Anki's shared backend and web components, and the Qt frontend
  • cognitive-engineering-lab/aquascope - Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time
  • rust-unofficial/awesome-rust - A curated list of Rust code and resources.
  • tokio-rs/axum - Ergonomic and modular web framework built with Tokio, Tower, and Hyper
  • Akaike/axum-boilerplate-with-seaorm - Boilerplate for your next backend project
  • bionic-gpt/bionic-gpt - BionicGPT is an on-premise replacement for ChatGPT, offering the advantages of Generative AI while maintaining strict data confidentiality
  • densumesh/broccoli - A robust message queue system for Rust applications, designed as a Rust alternative to Celery.
  • dalek-cryptography/bulletproofs - A pure-Rust implementation of Bulletproofs using Ristretto.
  • tracel-ai/burn - Burn is a new comprehensive dynamic Deep Learning Framework built using Rust with extreme flexibility, compute efficiency and portability as its primary goals.
  • huggingface/candle - Minimalist ML framework for Rust
  • clap-rs/clap - A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust
  • google/comprehensive-rust - This is the Rust course used by the Android team at Google. It provides you the material to quickly teach Rust.
  • superfly/corrosion - Gossip-based service discovery (and more) for large distributed systems.
  • cozodb/cozo - A transactional, relational-graph-vector database that uses Datalog for query. The hippocampus for AI!
  • shahen94/craft - Craft is a super fast package manager for node
  • cube-js/cube - ๐Ÿ“Š Cube โ€” Universal semantic layer platform for AI, BI, spreadsheets, and embedded analytics
  • dagrs-dev/dagrs - A DAG engine build by Rust
  • Rustixir/darkbird - In-memory database inspired by erlang mnesia
  • databendlabs/databend - ๐——๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ฎ, ๐—”๐—ป๐—ฎ๐—น๐˜†๐˜๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐˜€ & ๐—”๐—œ. Modern alternative to Snowflake. Cost-effective and simple for massive-scale analytics.
  • apache/datafusion-ballista - Apache DataFusion Ballista Distributed Query Engine
  • datafusion-contrib/datafusion-federation - Allow DataFusion to resolve queries across remote query engines while pushing down as much compute as possible down.
  • blackportal-ai/delta - An Open-Source Machine Learning Framework in Rust ฮ”
  • denoland/deno - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • diem/diem - Diemโ€™s mission is to build a trusted and innovative financial network that empowers people and businesses around the world.
  • TimelyDataflow/differential-dataflow - An implementation of differential dataflow using timely dataflow on Rust.
  • Wilfred/difftastic - a structural diff that understands syntax ๐ŸŸฅ๐ŸŸฉ
  • DioxusLabs/dioxus - Fullstack app framework for web, desktop, mobile, and more.
  • emilk/egui - egui: an easy-to-use immediate mode GUI in Rust that runs on both web and native
  • embassy-rs/embassy - Modern embedded framework, using Rust and async.
  • carllerche/eventual - A future & stream abstraction for Rust
  • dmexe/failsafe-rs - A circuit breaker implementation for rust
  • tomtomwombat/fastbloom - The fastest Bloom filter in Rust. No accuracy compromises. Compatible with any hasher.
  • firecracker-microvm/firecracker - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
  • fish-shell/fish-shell - The user-friendly command line shell.
  • fjall-rs/fjall - ๐Ÿ—ป LSM-based embeddable key-value storage engine written in safe Rust
  • infinyon/fluvio - Lean and mean distributed stream processing system written in rust and web assembly. Alternative to Kafka + Flink in one.
  • rust-lang/futures-rs - Zero-cost asynchronous programming in Rust
  • orhun/git-cliff - A highly customizable Changelog Generator that follows Conventional Commit specifications โ›ฐ๏ธ
  • extrawurst/gitui - Blazing ๐Ÿ’ฅ fast terminal-ui for git written in rust ๐Ÿฆ€
  • gleam-lang/gleam - โญ๏ธ A friendly language for building type-safe, scalable systems!
  • gluesql/gluesql - GlueSQL is quite sticky. It attaches to anywhere.
  • rustshop/htmx-sorta - Rust + htmx + tailwind + nix + redb demo web app
  • Orange-OpenSource/hurl - Hurl, run and test HTTP requests with plain text.
  • iced-rs/iced - A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
  • mre/idiomatic-rust - ๐Ÿฆ€ A peer-reviewed collection of articles/talks/repos which teach concise, idiomatic Rust.
  • iggy-rs/iggy - Iggy is the persistent message streaming platform written in Rust, supporting QUIC, TCP and HTTP transport protocols, capable of processing millions of messages per second.
  • steveklabnik/indexlist - indexlist: A doubly linked list, backed by a vector
  • indradb/indradb - A graph database written in rust
  • iron/iron - An Extensible, Concurrent Web Framework for Rust
  • graphql-rust/juniper - GraphQL server library for Rust
  • casey/just - ๐Ÿค– Just a command runner
  • kdash-rs/kdash - A simple and fast dashboard for Kubernetes
  • saschagrunert/kubernix - Single dependency Kubernetes clusters for local testing, experimenting and development
  • lakekeeper/lakekeeper - Lakekeeper: A Rust native Iceberg REST Catalog
  • lapce/lapce - Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
  • ProvableHQ/leo - ๐Ÿฆ The Leo Programming Language. A Programming Language for Formally Verified, Zero-Knowledge Applications
  • tursodatabase/limbo - Limbo is a work-in-progress, in-process OLTP database management system, compatible with SQLite.
  • rustformers/llm - [Unmaintained, see README] An ecosystem of Rust libraries for working with large language models
  • shafishlabs/llmchain-rs - ๐Ÿฆ€Rust + Large Language Models - Make AI Services Freely and Easily.
  • jnsahaj/lumen - Instant AI Git Commit message, Git changes summary from the CLI (no API key required)
  • meilisearch/meilisearch - A lightning-fast search engine API bringing AI-powered hybrid search to your sites and applications.
  • tisonkun/morax - Message queue and data streaming based on cloud native services.
  • anoma/namada - Rust implementation of Namada, a Proof-of-Stake L1 for interchain asset-agnostic privacy
  • asynchronics/nexosim - High-performance asynchronous computation framework for system simulation
  • nurmohammed840/nio - Nio is an experimental async runtime for Rust
  • njord-rs/njord - A versatile, feature-rich Rust ORM โ›ต
  • vic1707/nnn -
  • rust-bakery/nom - Rust parser combinator framework
  • greyblake/nutype - Rust newtype with guarantees ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿฆ€
  • x52dev/oas3-rs - Structures and tools to parse, navigate and validate OpenAPI v3.1 specifications.
  • haraldng/omnipaxos - OmniPaxos is a distributed log implemented as a Rust library.
  • haraldng/omnipaxos-rocksdb-tutorial - This is a small demo of how to transform a simple single-server RocksDB service written in Rust into a distributed version using OmniPaxos.
  • apache/opendal - Apache OpenDAL: One Layer, All Storage.
  • maxmindlin/openfga-dsl-parser - Parsing and JSON transformer library for the OpenFGA authorization DSL
  • openobserve/openobserve - ๐Ÿš€ 10x easier, ๐Ÿš€ 140x lower storage cost, ๐Ÿš€ high performance, ๐Ÿš€ petabyte scale - Elasticsearch/Splunk/Datadog alternative for ๐Ÿš€ (logs, metrics, traces, RUM, Error tracking, Session replay).
  • open-telemetry/opentelemetry-rust - The Rust OpenTelemetry implementation
  • IUseRustBtw/oxide-lang -
  • paradedb/paradedb - Postgres for Search and Analytics
  • foresterre/parameterized - ๐Ÿ‘ JUnit style parameterized testing for Rust
  • postgresml/pgcat - PostgreSQL pooler with sharding, load balancing and failover support.
  • pgcentralfoundation/pgrx - Build Postgres Extensions with Rust!
  • mila411/pilgrimage - Create Kafaka-like things while enjoying low-level programming without external crates
  • cloudflare/pingora - A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.
  • pkgxdev/pkgx - Run Anything
  • alceal/plotlars - Plotlars is a Rust library designed to facilitate the integration between the Polars data analysis library and Plotly library.
  • poem-web/poem - A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust programming language.
  • pola-rs/polars - Dataframes powered by a multithreaded, vectorized query engine, written in Rust
  • postgresml/postgresml - Postgres with GPUs for ML/AI apps.
  • ofek/pyapp - Runtime installer for Python applications
  • PyO3/pyo3 - Rust bindings for the Python interpreter
  • quickwit-oss/quickwit - Cloud-native search engine for observability. An open-source alternative to Datadog, Elasticsearch, Loki, and Tempo.
  • milen-denev/rasterizeddb - A new schemaless, high-performance database written from scratch in Rust.
  • ratatui/ratatui - A Rust crate for cooking up terminal user interfaces (TUIs) ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿณ๐Ÿ€
  • orhun/ratzilla - Build terminal-themed web applications with Rust and WebAssembly. Powered by Ratatui.
  • rayon-rs/rayon - Rayon: A data parallelism library for Rust
  • readysettech/readyset - Readyset is a MySQL and Postgres wire-compatible caching layer that sits in front of existing databases to speed up queries and horizontally scale read throughput. Under the hood, ReadySet caches the results of cached select statements and incrementally updates these results over time as the underlying data changes.
  • GregoryConrad/rearch-rs - Re-imagined approach to application design and architecture
  • seanmonstar/reqwest - An easy and powerful Rust HTTP Client
  • rerun-io/rerun - Visualize streams of multimodal data. Free, fast, easy to use, and simple to integrate. Built in Rust.
  • 0xPlaygrounds/rig - โš™๏ธ๐Ÿฆ€ Build portable, modular & lightweight Fullstack Agents
  • risingwavelabs/risingwave - Streaming database. Unified experience for real-time data ingestion, stream processing, and low-latency serving. Best-in-class performance and cost-efficiency. Supports SQL (Postgres-style) and Python interface.
  • rlink-rs/rlink-rs - High-performance Stream Processing Framework. An alternative to Apache Flink.
  • graniet/rllm - Use multiple LLM backends in a single crate, simple builder-based configuration, and built-in prompt chaining & templating.
  • roapi/roapi - Create full-fledged APIs for slowly moving datasets without writing a single line of code.
  • roc-lang/roc - A fast, friendly, functional language.
  • skdziwak/rs-rdc - This crate is used to generate code for other languages from Rust's data structures. It can be used to generate DTO classes to make it easier to interact with other languages.
  • aisk/rust-memcache - memcache client for rust
  • rust-threadpool/rust-threadpool - A very simple thread pool for parallel task execution
  • dcodesdev/ - Learn and Practice the Rust programming language the effective way.
  • bitswired/rustgpt - RustGPT is a ChatGPT UI built with Rust + HTMX: the power of Rust coupled with the simplicity of HTMX ๐Ÿ’š
  • levkk/rwf - Comprehensive framework for building web applications in Rust.
  • salvo-rs/salvo - A powerful web framework built with a simplified design.
  • mozilla/sccache - Sccache is a ccache-like tool. It is used as a compiler wrapper and avoids compilation when possible. Sccache has the capability to utilize caching in remote storage environments, including various cloud storage options, or alternatively, in local storage.
  • igor-petruk/scriptisto - A language-agnostic "shebang interpreter" that enables you to write scripts in compiled languages.
  • SeaQL/sea-orm - ๐Ÿš An async & dynamic ORM for Rust
  • SeaQL/seaography - ๐Ÿงญ GraphQL framework for SeaORM
  • serde-rs/serde - Serialization framework for Rust
  • Aloxaf/silicon - Create beautiful image of your source code.
  • paulosuzart/similarr - Shuttle and Rust
  • slatedb/slatedb - A cloud native embedded storage engine built on object storage.
  • slint-ui/slint - Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for Rust, C++, or JavaScript apps.
  • efugier/smartcat - Putting a brain behind cat๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ› Integrating language models in the Unix commands ecosystem through text streams.
  • solana-labs/solana-program-library - A collection of Solana programs maintained by Solana Labs
  • valeriansaliou/sonic - ๐Ÿฆ” Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM.
  • spring-rs/spring-rs - ๐Ÿƒspring-rs is a application framework written in rust inspired by java's spring-boot
  • asg017/sqlite-loadable-rs - A framework for writing fast and performant SQLite extensions in Rust
  • launchbadge/sqlx - ๐Ÿงฐ The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.
  • starship/starship - โ˜„๐ŸŒŒ๏ธ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
  • regolith-labs/steel - Solana smart contract framework.
  • swc-project/swc - Rust-based platform for the Web
  • spaceandtimelabs/sxt-proof-of-sql - Space and Time | Proof of SQL
  • sycamore-rs/sycamore - A library for creating reactive web apps in Rust and WebAssembly
  • acheul/sycamore-template - Generates sycamore templates
  • CosmWasm/sylvia - CosmWasm smart contract framework
  • TabbyML/tabby - Self-hosted AI coding assistant
  • shshemi/tabiew - A lightweight TUI application to view and query tabular data files, such as CSV, TSV, and parquet.
  • tailcallhq/tailcall - High Performance GraphQL Runtime
  • pingcap/talent-plan - open source training courses about distributed database and distributed systems
  • quickwit-oss/tantivy - Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust
  • tensorzero/tensorzero - TensorZero creates a feedback loop for optimizing LLM applications โ€” turning production data into smarter, faster, and cheaper models.
  • dtolnay/thiserror - derive(Error) for struct and enum error types
  • TimelyDataflow/timely-dataflow - A modular implementation of timely dataflow in Rust
  • sectore/timr-tui - TUI to organize your time: Pomodoro, Countdown, Timer.
  • m1guelpf/tinyvector - A tiny embedding database in pure Rust.
  • hyperium/tonic - A native gRPC client & server implementation with async/await support.
  • erikgrinaker/toydb - Distributed SQL database in Rust, written as an educational project
  • typst/typst - A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
  • akwaaba-xyz/urkel - A gRPC client and HTTP wrapping server for Open FGA, built in Rust.
  • seanmonstar/warp - A super-easy, composable, web server framework for warp speeds.
  • wasmerio/wasmer-postgres - ๐Ÿ’ฝ๐Ÿ•ธ Postgres library to run WebAssembly binaries.
  • bytecodealliance/wasmtime - A lightweight WebAssembly runtime that is fast, secure, and standards-compliant
  • sxyazi/yazi - ๐Ÿ’ฅ Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O.
  • ZcashFoundation/zebra - Zcash - Financial Privacy in Rust ๐Ÿฆ“
  • zellij-org/zellij - A terminal workspace with batteries included
  • getzola/zola - A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in.









  • Codehagen/Badget - Badget aims to simplify financial management with a user-friendly interface and robust backend
  • microsoft/BosqueLanguage - The Bosque programming language is an experiment in regularized design for a machine assisted rapid and reliable software development lifecycle.
  • danny-avila/LibreChat - Enhanced ChatGPT Clone: Features Agents, Anthropic, AWS, OpenAI, Assistants API, Azure, Groq, o1, GPT-4o, Mistral, OpenRouter, Vertex AI, Gemini, Artifacts, AI model switching, message search, Code Interpreter, langchain, DALL-E-3, OpenAPI Actions, Functions, Secure Multi-User Auth, Presets, open-source for self-hosting. Active project.
  • event-driven-io/Pongo - Pongo - Mongo but on Postgres and with strong consistency benefits
  • Qovery/Torii - Torii โ›ฉ๏ธ is a simple, powerful and extensible open-source Internal Developer Portal
  • Canner/WrenAI - ๐Ÿค– Open-source GenBI AI Agent that empowers data-driven teams to chat with their data to generate Text-to-SQL, charts, spreadsheets, reports, and BI. ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“‹๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป
  • aerographql/aerographql - A small and opinionated Typescript toolkit to create GraphQL server using a declarative approach
  • vratix-dev/api-library - Easy to use Open Source modules that implement common API logic and can be used in your Node.js backend services
  • apollographql/apollo-tooling - โœ๏ธ Apollo CLI for client tooling (Mostly replaced by Rover)
  • nabind47/authjs - Authentication in Next.js 14 with Auth.js and server actions having credentials as well as socials signin along with forgot password and 2FA.
  • BemiHQ/bemi - Automatic data change tracking for PostgreSQL
  • better-auth/better-auth - The most comprehensive authentication framework for TypeScript
  • bigcapitalhq/bigcapital - ๐Ÿ’ต Bigcapital is financial accounting with intelligent reporting for faster decision-making, an open-source alternative to Quickbooks, Xero, etc.
  • stackblitz-labs/ - Prompt, run, edit, and deploy full-stack web applications using any LLM you want!
  • BrainJS/brain.js - ๐Ÿค– GPU accelerated Neural networks in JavaScript for Browsers and Node.js
  • ojkelly/bunjil - A GraphQL bastion server with schema merging, authentication and authorization with Policy Based Access Control
  • cheeriojs/cheerio - The fast, flexible, and elegant library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML.
  • typestack/class-validator - Decorator-based property validation for classes.
  • Effect-TS/cluster -
  • continuedev/continue - โฉ Continue is the leading open-source AI code assistant. You can connect any models and any context to build custom autocomplete and chat experiences inside VS Code and JetBrains
  • openchatai/copilot - ๐Ÿค– ๐Ÿ”ฅ Language-to-actions engine
  • graphile/crystal - ๐Ÿ”ฎ Graphile's Crystal Monorepo; home to Grafast, PostGraphile, pg-introspection, pg-sql2 and much more!
  • big-armor/datapm -
  • bekk/db-scheduler-ui -
  • deepstreamIO/ - server
  • siokas/denomander - Deno command-line interfaces made easy
  • torokmark/design_patterns_in_typescript - ๐Ÿ“ Design pattern implementations in TypeScript
  • Dokploy/dokploy - Open Source Alternative to Vercel, Netlify and Heroku.
  • drizzle-team/drizzle-orm - Headless TypeScript ORM with a head. Runs on Node, Bun and Deno. Lives on the Edge and yes, it's a JavaScript ORM too ๐Ÿ˜…
  • Effect-TS/effect - An ecosystem of tools to build robust applications in TypeScript
  • sukovanej/effect-http - Declarative HTTP API library for effect-ts
  • auth0/express-jwt - connect/express middleware that validates a JsonWebToken (JWT) and set the req.user with the attributes
  • feathersjs/feathers - The API and real-time application framework
  • devmatteini/football-calendar - Automatically sync your google calendar with football matches of your favorite team!
  • formsy/formsy-material-ui - A Formsy compatibility wrapper for Material-UI form components
  • openfga/frontend-utils - Helpful functions for building OpenFGA model authoring frontends -
  • nestjs/graphql - GraphQL (TypeScript) module for Nest framework (node.js) ๐Ÿท
  • Escape-Technologies/graphql-armor - ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ The missing GraphQL security security layer for Apollo GraphQL and Yoga / Envelop servers ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ
  • graphql-editor/graphql-editor - ๐Ÿ“บ Visual Editor & GraphQL IDE.
  • slicknode/graphql-query-complexity - GraphQL query complexity analysis and validation for graphql-js
  • kriasoft/graphql-starter-kit - ๐Ÿ’ฅ Monorepo template (seed project) pre-configured with GraphQL API, PostgreSQL, React, and Joy UI.
  • ericwooley/graphql-typeorm-passport-boilerplate - A boilerplate for passport, typeorm, and graphql
  • kdby-io/graphql-typescript - Define and build GraphQL Schemas using typed classes
  • graphql-kit/graphql-voyager - ๐Ÿ›ฐ๏ธ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph
  • dotansimha/graphql-yoga - ๐Ÿง˜ Rewrite of a fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance & great developer experience. The core of Yoga implements WHATWG Fetch API and can run/deploy on any JS environment.
  • hazelcast/hazelcast-nodejs-client - Hazelcast Node.js Client
  • Infisical/infisical - โ™พ Infisical is the open-source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure, prevent secret leaks, and manage internal PKI
  • javascript-obfuscator/javascript-obfuscator - A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js
  • jhipster/jhipster-registry - JHipster Registry, based on Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka and Spring Cloud Config
  • keystonejs/keystone - The superpowered headless CMS for Node.js โ€” built with GraphQL and React
  • kysely-org/kysely - A type-safe typescript SQL query builder
  • RobinBlomberg/kysely-codegen - Generate Kysely type definitions from your database.
  • kysely-org/kysely-ctl - Command-line tool for Kysely
  • huggingface/llm-vscode - LLM powered development for VSCode
  • malloydata/malloy - Malloy is an experimental language for describing data relationships and transformations.
  • Ff00ff/mammoth - A type-safe Postgres query builder for TypeScript.
  • medplum/medplum - Medplum is a healthcare platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality compliant applications.
  • midday-ai/midday - Invoicing, Time tracking, File reconciliation, Storage, Financial Overview & your own Assistant made for Freelancers
  • mikro-orm/mikro-orm - TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. Supports MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SQLite/libSQL databases.
  • ega-forever/mokka - Mokka consensus
  • nanoapi-io/napi - Transpile your monolithic codebases to microservices in seconds
  • nestjs/nest - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript ๐Ÿš€
  • nocodb/nocodb - ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ Open Source Airtable Alternative
  • novuhq/novu - Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
  • piotrkulpinski/openalternative - A community driven list of open source alternatives to proprietary software and applications.
  • opticdev/optic - OpenAPI linting, diffing and testing. Optic helps prevent breaking changes, publish accurate documentation and improve the design of your APIs.
  • pezzolabs/pezzo - ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ Open-source, developer-first LLMOps platform designed to streamline prompt design, version management, instant delivery, collaboration, troubleshooting, observability and more.
  • dylibso/pg_extism - Wasm UDFs for Postgres, implemented as a TLE on plv8 using Extism
  • electric-sql/pglite - Lightweight WASM Postgres with real-time, reactive bindings.
  • portainer/portainer - Making Docker and Kubernetes management easy.
  • emmanueltouzery/prelude-ts - Functional programming, immutable collections and FP constructs for typescript and javascript
  • XPRNetwork/proton-market-old - Proton NFT Marketplace Frontend
  • puppeteer/puppeteer - JavaScript API for Chrome and Firefox
  • upstash/rag-chat - Prototype SDK for RAG development.
  • gothinkster/realworld - "The mother of all demo apps" โ€” Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more
  • OptimalBits/redbird - A modern reverse proxy for node
  • fynnfluegge/rocketnotes - AI-powered markdown editor - leverage vector embeddings and LLMs with your personal notes - 100% local or in the cloud
  • typestack/routing-controllers - Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.
  • boxyhq/saas-starter-kit - ๐Ÿ”ฅ Enterprise SaaS Starter Kit - Kickstart your enterprise app development with the Next.js SaaS boilerplate ๐Ÿš€
  • safe-global/safe-wallet-monorepo - Safe{Wallet} โ€“ smart account wallet
  • scalar/scalar - Scalar is an open-source API platform:ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€๐ŸŒ Modern Rest API Clientใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€๐Ÿ“– Beautiful API Referencesใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€โœจ 1st-Class OpenAPI/Swagger Support
  • ocaml/setup-ocaml - GitHub Action for the OCaml programming language
  • anti-work/shortest - QA via natural language AI tests
  • jacomyal/sigma.js - A JavaScript library aimed at visualizing graphs of thousands of nodes and edges
  • gajus/slonik - A Node.js PostgreSQL client with runtime and build time type safety, and composable SQL.
  • socketio/ - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
  • specui/specui - Build apps with YAML
  • ssoready/ssoready - Open-source dev tools for enterprise SSO. Ship SAML + SCIM support this afternoon.
  • browserbase/stagehand - An AI web browsing framework focused on simplicity and extensibility.
  • teableio/teable - โœจ The Next Gen Airtable Alternative: No-Code Postgres
  • yangshun/tech-interview-handbook - ๐Ÿ’ฏ Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
  • cloudflare/templates - Templates for Cloudflare Workers
  • eclipse-theia/theia - Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
  • tldraw/tldraw - whiteboard SDK / infinite canvas SDK
  • EoinDavey/tsPEG - PEG Parser Generator for TypeScript
  • garrettm/tsum - Typescript sum types with pattern matching, using multimethods
  • microsoft/typed-rest-client - Node Rest and Http Clients with typings for use with TypeScript
  • typestack/typedi - Simple yet powerful dependency injection tool for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • TypeStrong/typedoc - Documentation generator for TypeScript projects.
  • denolib/typeorm - Forked from
  • typeorm/typeorm - ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
  • typestack/typeorm-typedi-extensions - Dependency injection and service container integration with TypeORM using TypeDI library.
  • bitjson/typescript-starter - Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project
  • ether/ueberDB - Abstract your databases, make datababies. Transforms every database into a object key value store.
  • sequelize/umzug - Framework agnostic migration tool for Node.js
  • fabian-hiller/valibot - The modular and type safe schema library for validating structural data ๐Ÿค–
  • Canner/vulcan-sql - Data API Framework for AI Agents and Data Apps
  • palixir/wabe - Your backend in minutes not days for Node.js / Bun
  • ojkelly/wahn - Policy Machine for Role Based Access Control
  • toptal/xene - ๐Ÿค– Modern library with simple API to build great conversational bots.
  • evertdespiegeleer/zhttp - A minimal, typesafe HTTP library with Zod validation ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป


  • khalyomede/mantis - A web framework written in V lang.
  • vlang/v - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation.
  • nedpals/vex - Easy-to-use, modular web framework built for V
  • elliotchance/vsql - โœŒ๏ธ Single-file or PostgreSQL-server compatible transactional SQL database written in pure V.

Vim script


  • AutomaApp/automa - A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks



My own awesome project list based on starred projects







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