University of Massachusetts - Lowell
- Boston, MA
- https://paulsena.github.io
- in/paulsena
CodingInterviewPortfolio Public
Snippets of various practice problems I did in prep for Coding Interviews. Includes my solutions to the book, "Cracking the Coding Interview".
SN-Qualys-Integration Public
ServiceNow Qualys CMDB Integration I wrote. Imports large amounts of Asset record data into SN using the REST Detections API. Written in Server side JS. Setup as a scheduled Batch import. Fully res…
Take home interview project for Cribl. This is a log file collector web service.
Java UpdatedMar 5, 2024 -
AVL-Robotics-Team-LimeLight Public
Forked from acmerobotics/road-runner-quickstartRobot control code for Asheville's community team for the First Tech Challenge 2024 competition.
Java BSD 3-Clause Clear License UpdatedMar 5, 2024 -
cdp-frontend Public
Forked from sunshine-request/cdp-frontendComponent library and web app used by CDP instances.
TypeScript Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedDec 2, 2023 -
court-notifications Public
Forked from CodeWithAsheville/court-notificationsJavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 4, 2023 -
quik-booth Public
Forked from AnErrantProgrammer/quik-boothJavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 13, 2018 -
SN-Bulk-File-Uploader Public
C# Console app that bulk uploads a directory of files to Service Now tickets. Parses ticket # to attach files to from folder or file name.
UpdatedSep 3, 2016 -
PokemonGoBot Public
Forked from jabbink/PokemonGoBotBot that plays Pokemon Go
Kotlin GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 3, 2016 -
PokeMate Public
Forked from SwipeX/PokeMateAutomated PokemonGo Application
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 27, 2016 -
pgoapi Public
Forked from jekirl/poketrainerA basic poorly hacked together bot for Pokemon go
Python Other UpdatedJul 25, 2016 -
Apache_Spark_WordBookCounter Public
Self Learning project to learn Apache Spark. Determines top words across multiple books or for a single book. Works for multiple instances of class. Includes JUnit tests and Maven build. Requires J…
HTML UpdatedAug 18, 2015 -
Class_Scheduler Public
UML Class Scheduler written in Racket/Scheme (Lisp Dialect) for my Org of Prog Languages class, May 2011. My original idea to Scrape registrar's webpages of UMass Lowell and uses map filter to crea…
JavaScript UpdatedAug 17, 2015 -
umlmobilerobot Public
ROS Robotic code to move a robot through a hallway opening. Runs in ROS simulation and on real robot with a range finder laser sensor for vision. For a Computing IV project at UMass Lowell. Fall 2010
C++ UpdatedMar 13, 2015 -
SN-External-Credentials Public
A java class for Service Now's External Credentials Plugin. Allows for machine's UN/PWs for discovery to be stored locally at a client's Mid Server rather then in the cloud in Service Now.
Implementation-Of-Algorithms Public
My personal implementations of various Algorithms from my 91.350 Excursions into Comp Sci Honors class by the famous Prof. Jim Canning, Spring 2010. KMP String Matching, Hadamar Matrix Multiply, Ma…
Elevator-Saga-Game Public
My algorithm submission for the ElevatorSaga.com elevator simulator JS game
JavaScript UpdatedJan 30, 2015 -
App-Inventor-Gallery Public
Forked from derrell/App-Inventor-GalleryApp Inventor Gallery
JavaScript UpdatedDec 5, 2011 -
Robotics-I Public
My Robotics I lab projects from UMass Lowell Fall 11'. Line, Light, Wall, and Space Following Robot & Vision driver code. Written in C and uses an pre built micro controller platform designed for r…
C UpdatedNov 10, 2011