Delft University of Technology
heartrate_analysis_python Public
Python Heart Rate Analysis Package, for both PPG and ECG signals
python_corona_simulation Public
An agent-based simulation of corona and other viruses in python
GANS-and-different-Variations Public
Forked from puneetsingla17/GANS-and-different-VariationsJupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 18, 2020 -
Persuasive_Advice Public
materials related to our paper 'The Persuasive Automobile: Design and Evaluation of a Persuasive Lane-Specific Advice Human Machine Interface"
Deep_Learning_Course_TRAIL Public
Slides and exercises from the TU Delft Deep Learning Course
Barnacle Public
Flexible and Fun Progress Bars
heartrate_analysis_Arduino Public
Repository containing various Arduino sketches for accurate, real-time PPG heart rate analysis
Bytehoven - Sheet Music Recognition with ResNet50 Deep Network