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Grant Recommendation Platform using the S-Process

This project is a full-stack web-based application that replicates the S-Process used by Survival and Flourishing Fund (SFF) for grant recommendation. The S-Process is a simulation process that enables philanthropists to delegate grant-making discussions and deliberations to trusted advisors, facilitating collaborative decision-making in funding allocations.


Recommender View


Funder View


Sigma View


Disagreement Matrix

Disagreement Matrix

Technologies Used

The application is built with the following technologies:


  • React with Vite for fast development and bundling.
  • TypeScript for type safety.
  • Shadcn UI for elegant, reusable UI components.
  • TailwindCSS for styling.
  • D3 and Plotly for interactive charts
  • React Redux for state management.


  • Flask as the backend server.
  • MongoDB for data storage.
  • Flask-PyMongo as the driver for MongoDB.
  • Gunicorn as the WSGI server.
  • Flask-JWT-Extended for JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication.
  • Flask-CORS for cross-origin resource sharing.

Installation Instructions

Follow these steps to set up the project on your local machine:


  • Node.js (version 20 or higher)
  • Python (version 3.10 or higher)
  • MongoDB (as the database)

Backend Setup

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the project repository to your local machine.

    git clone
    cd s_process_funding/backend
  2. Create a Virtual Environment: Set up a virtual environment to manage dependencies.

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  3. Install Dependencies: Install the required Python packages.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set Up Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the backend directory with the necessary environment variables. Use the .env.example for reference.

  5. Populate Database: Once your application is connected to MongoDB via the MONGO_URI, you can populate the collections and documents. Run the following command from the backend directory with the updated URI in the code:

    python data/
  6. Run the Backend Server: Start the Flask application using Gunicorn.

    gunicorn -w 4 "main:create_app()"

    This command starts the server with 4 worker processes.

Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the Frontend Directory: Move to the frontend part of the project.

    cd ../frontend
  2. Install Dependencies: Use npm to install the required packages.

    npm install
  3. Configure Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the frontend directory with the necessary environment variables. Use .env.example as reference.


    Ensure that the VITE_API_URL matches the address where your backend is running.

  4. Run the Frontend Development Server: Start the Vite development server.

    npm run dev

    This command will start the frontend server and provide a local URL to view the application.

Accessing the Application

Once both the backend and frontend servers are running, open your web browser and navigate to the URL provided by the Vite development server (typically http://localhost:5173) to access the application.