Todoist integration with Notable note talking application.
- Download latest version of the app (at the time of writing, supports latest beta release onwards)
- Open custom css / js
- Copy paste the following
- In Custom JS
index.js from the repository
- In Custom CSS index.css from the repository
- Open a note in edit mode and create custom code block with name todoist as follows
"mode": "filter",
"filter": {
"query": "<any todoist valid filter>"
- Switch to preview mode
- You are done!
Notable todoist supports three types of modes. Just like todoist.
- filter
- project
- label
This mode is similar to todoist filter. One can configure any valid todoist filter. To use filters set mode to filter and create a json object with key filter. The json object should have a key called query which contains actual filter query. Checkout the example below
"mode": "filter",
"filter": {
"query": "(today | overdue) & #Work"
This mode is similar to todoist Projects. One can browse all tasks associated with the project or a section of the project here. The configuration is similar to filter. Set mode to project and create a json object with key project. The json object should have a key called query which contains project name or project/section name. Checkout the example below
- Browsing tasks in a project
"mode": "project",
"project": {
"query": "Work"
- Browsing tasks of a section in project
"mode": "project",
"project": {
"query": "Work/Section"
Project name doesn't start with # as it does in filter mode
This mode is similar to todoist Labels. One can browse all tasks associated with a label The configuration is similar to mode project and label. Set mode to label and create a json object with key label. The json object should have a key called query which specifes the label name. Checkout the example below
"mode": "label",
"label": {
"query": "events"
label name doesn't start with @ as it does in filter mode
All the three modes support various types of sorting and grouping. To configure, please create keys called groupBy, sortBy, sortOrder. Checkout the example below
"mode": "project",
"project": {
"query": "Work",
"groupBy": "section",
"sortBy": "priority",
"sortOrder": "desc"
The available grouping and sorting options for each mode is different. Checkout the table below
Mode | Allowed Grouping options | Allowed Sorting options | Allowed sort orders |
filter | project, priority, date, none (default) | order (default), date, priority, content | asc, desc |
project | section, priority, date, none (default) | order (default), date, priority, content | asc, desc |
label | project, priority, date, none (default) | order (default), date, priority, content | asc, desc |
- Task filtering with two-way sync
- Task rendering with labels, Projects, Priority and sections
- Show due date
- Support for grouping and sorting
- Sub tasks
- Auto refresh (as of now refresh happens only when swicthed from edit mode to preview mode)
- Add tasks with predefined task meta (project, labels, priority, due)