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  • php >=5.5.9
  • symfony 3.1.x (see composer.json for details)
  • linux based OS
  • mysql >=5.5
  • apache / nginx



composer require mittax/wsse-bundle

Register bundle app/AppKernel.php

new Mittax\WsseBundle\MittaxWsseBundle(),

running unit / functional tests.

the package comes with functionaltests on its own apimethod. Under vendor/mittax/wsse-bundle/controllers there is a defaultcontroller with a apimethod to generate wsse headers. To get that tests running a testuser is needed. If you want to use the tests, add a user "mittax" to your database or change the user to your testuser:


    integrationtestsusername: mittax


Consume a WSSE secured api method.

After installation all defined firewallrules requests are secured with a X-WSSE Header. To consume a firewall secured api path we need to generate a X-WSSE Header, wich has to be sended for each request. Here is the samplecode how to use the wsse client, provided by this package:

//your clientobject
$client = $this->container->get('mittax_wsse.client.service.http.request');

//API Url you want to call
$uri = 'http://<yourdomain>/wsse/username';

//the username who wants to access. (Must exists in your user database)
$username = 'yourusername';

//the wsse header to consume secured api
$headerOptions = $client->getWsseHeaderRequestOtionsByUsername($username);

//your serverresponse
$response = $client->request('GET', $uri, $headerOptions);
$response = (string)$response->getBody();

Ofcourse you can generate a wsse headerstring via commandline. MittaxWsseBunde provides a cli extension for that.

##generate a wsse header directly on a commandline

open a terminal to your projectroot

php bin/console mittax:wsse:generate-header

This will output your headerstring like that.

UsernameToken Username="mittax", PasswordDigest="ZWQ0MWRiMGFhODhlYTI0M2FlMGZiNDk4NzY5MWNjMmJhMDcyN2ZmZmQ4YTE1YTVhYTAxMTkzMjkxNTYxYWYwM2Y3YjMyZmVhYjJmMjBjNWM4ODFiYjliYzBiZDgxMjE0ZWUyYmUzYjFiODg5MmJmN2I2NTI2ZTk0NDZmNDM3ZDI=", Nonce="MTMyNTgzYTFjNDMxOWJlOA==", Created="2016-11-26T23:35:31+0000"

Put that headerstring with a headervariable X-WSSE on your request (Postman for instance)

###define firewall rules app/config/comfig.yml

By default FOS_Userbundle is used with following configuration:

    db_driver: orm # other valid values are 'mongodb', 'couchdb' and 'propel'
    firewall_name: wsse_secured
    user_class: Mittax\WsseBundle\Entity\User #you can use the default fos_user implementation, the mittax entity or your own entityclass

You can define your routes in the securitysection


          anonymous: false
          pattern: ^/wsse|your_path_here
          stateless: true
          wsse:      { lifetime: 60 }

configure your security wsse layer.


#configure the wsse
    #change that for your project
    salt: cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e

    # the lifetime a userdigist is valid
    lifetime: 600

    #the class to encode the digest
    encoder: Mittax\WsseBundle\Security\Encoder\Sha512

    #if true the client nonce is valid for just one request to prevent relay attacks
    # for development you can disable this securityfeature
    # preventreplayattacks: false
    preventreplayattacks: true

    # by default we are depending on this usermanager. Feel free to use your own usermanager
    usermanager: fos_user.user_manager

    # tablename where the userpasswords are stored
    usertablename: fos_user

    # columnname where username is stored
    usernamecolumn: username

    # name of the column where the passwords are stored
    passwordcolumn: password

    # CHANGE ME !!!!!
    # UNITTEST / Functional Test. This username is required to run unittests
    # Add you own user here
integrationtestsusername: mittax


WSSE Implementation for Symfony 3.1.x






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