- 1.Download Link: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.1/python-3.6.1-amd64.exe (for Windows User) https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.13/python-2.7.13.amd64.msi (for Windows User)
- 2.How To use
install python first and make sure that it's added to path variable
download this repository and extract it
download django using this command "python -m pip install Django==1.8.9"
download requests using this command "python -m pip install requests"
you are now ready to do phishing just run startServer.bat for windows or startServer.sh for linux
of type cmd as given below
python manage.py runserver
open link in browser like or ip:port
enter fb username password
see password on this linknow or ip:port/admin