Fast utilites to convert integers between decimal (base 10) and factoradic representation (factorial hase).
measuring memory usage of popular webapps
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
Ruby bindings for MediaInfo using
Environment loader/unloader for bash, that automagically updates the environment as you change directories.
Printing/notification tools for shell scripting, so a standardized interface can be generated across many scripts.
M4 macro to make customizing "ls --color" easier for xterm-256color
~/.emacs.d/ reconstruction project, after the Great Emacs Apocalypse
My attempt at making my bash environment a bit saner.
HTML5+CSS3 implementation fo the LaughingMan logo from GITS
MIDI-sending engine for the ALSA sound engine in Linux, with a REALTIME, very low-latency worker thread.
Fix filenames to be bash-script safe and easy to type.
Ruby GEM for adding colorful debug message output to your class.