Moonshot: Because releasing services shouldn't be a moonshot!
The AllPlayers dev blog - Kick Awesome
pdrakeweb / puppet-mysql
Forked from rgevaert/puppet-mysqlPuppet mysql module
pdrakeweb / pageguide
Forked from bronfman/pageguideAn interactive guide for web page element using jQuery and CSS3
Tracelytics module for the Puppet configuration management system.
pdrakeweb / PHP-CS-Fixer
Forked from PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-FixerAnalyzes some PHP source code and tries to fix coding standards issues (PSR-1 and PSR-2 compatible)
A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues
pdrakeweb / puppet-pear
Forked from rafaelfelix/puppet-pearA PEAR provider for Puppet 2.6+.
pdrakeweb / puppet-acl
Forked from grooverdan/puppet-aclA puppet module for POSIX ACLs
pdrakeweb / 6
Forked from pressflow/6Each version of Pressflow is API-compatible with the same major Drupal version. For example, Pressflow 6 is compatible with all Drupal 6 modules. Pressflow 6 also integrates the SimpleTest system f…
pdrakeweb / services_docs
Forked from MrMaksimize/services_docsSmall module to generate documentation based on services defined in Drupal's Services module
pdrakeweb / gliese
Forked from ayourtch/glieseA Lua microframework for small web app backends for Mongrel2 server
pdrakeweb / puppet-php
Forked from saz/puppet-phpPuppet module to manage php (Apache, CLI, FPM)
pdrakeweb / puppet-apt
Forked from puppetlabs/puppetlabs-aptPuppet module to help manage Apt
Puppet Module to manage Java
Elasticsearch Puppet Module
pdrakeweb / puppet-mongodb
Forked from portertech/puppet-mongodbA Puppet module for installing MongoDB on Ubuntu 10.xx
pdrakeweb / puppet-samba
Forked from ghoneycutt/puppet-sambaSamba Puppet module
Android app for
Small module to generate documentation based on services defined in Drupal's Services module