This repo is for solving the problem below.
Given a Webservice endpoint(, that returns a JSON of ten photos, consume it and generate three different photo formats for each one, that must be small (320x240), medium (384x288) and large (640x480).
Finally, write a Webservice endpoint, which should use a non-relational database(MongoDB preferred) and list (in JSON format) all ten photos with their respective formats, providing their URLs.
First of all, install docker and docker-compose.
Download or clone this repo, then enter dir to build/run docker containers.
git clone
cd ResizePhoto
docker-compose up --build -d
Application now should be up and running on localhost:5000
- In order to know if app is already up and running, this is the command:
docker logs -f resizephoto_web
- Running tests
docker exec -it resizephoto_web pytest /tests/