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๐ŸŽผ Overture

A library for function composition.


In Swift, functions are values, which gives us the power to explore function composition in a lot of interesting ways.

We're used to working with higher-order methods like map on arrays:

[1, 2, 3].map { $0 + 1 }
// [2, 3, 4]

If we wanted to modify this simple closure to square our value after incrementing it, things begin to get messy.

[1, 2, 3].map { ($0 + 1) * ($0 + 1) }
// [4, 9, 16]

Functions allow us to identify and extract reusable code. Let's define a couple functions that make up the behavior above.

func incr(_ x: Int) -> Int {
  return x + 1

func square(_ x: Int) -> Int {
  return x * x

With these functions defined, we can pass them directly to map!

[1, 2, 3]
// [4, 9, 16]

This refactor reads much better, but it's less performant: we're mapping over the array twice! How can we get the best of both worlds? Function composition to the rescue!

[1, 2, 3].map(pipe(incr, square))
// [4, 9, 16]

The pipe function glues functions together! We can even change the type along the way.

[1, 2, 3].map(pipe(incr, square, String.init))
// ["4", "9", "16"]

We took a function that comes with Swift and tacked it onto the end of our pipeline!

Function composition produces brand new functions that we can extract and reuse.

let computeAndStringify = pipe(incr, square, String.init)

[1, 2, 3].map(computeAndStringify)
// ["4", "9", "16"]

// "1849"

The function is the smallest building block of code. Function composition gives us the ability to fit these blocks together and build entire apps out of small, reusable, understandable units. Overture is a toolset for function composition in Swift.



The most basic building block in Overture. It takes existing functions and smooshes them together.

let computeAndStringify = pipe(incr, square, String.init)

// "1849"

[1, 2, 3].map(computeAndStringify)
// ["4", "9", "16"]


The with function is useful for applying functions to values. It restores the left-to-right readability we're used to from the method world.

with(42, pipe(incr, square, String.init)
// "1849"

It plays nicely with the inout and mutable object worlds, wrapping imperative configuration in an expression.

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
  let label = with(UILabel()) {
    $0.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 24)
    $0.textColor = .red


The concat function composes with single types. This includes composition of the following function signatures:

  • (A) -> A
  • (inout A) -> Void
  • <A: AnyObject>(A) -> Void

With concat, we can build powerful configuration functions from small pieces.

let roundedStyle: (UIView) -> Void {
  $0.clipsToBounds = true
  $0.layer.cornerRadius = 6

let baseButtonStyle: (UIButton) -> Void = {
  $0.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 12, left: 16, bottom: 12, right: 16)
  $0.titleLabel?.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 16, weight: .medium)

let roundedButtonStyle = concat(

let filledButtonStyle = concat(roundedButtonStyle) {
  $0.backgroundColor = .black
  $0.tintColor = .white

let button = with(UIButton(type: .system), filledButtonStyle)

curry, flip, and zurry

These functions make up the Swiss army knife of composition. They give us the power to take existing functions and methods that don't compose (e.g, those that take zero or multiple arguments) and restore composition.

For example, let's transform a string initializer that takes multiple arguments into something that can compose with pipe.

// (Data, String.Encoding) -> String?

We use curry to transform multi-argument functions into functions that take a single input and return new functions to gather more inputs along the way.

// (Data) -> (String.Encoding) -> String?

And we use flip to fix the order of arguments. Multi-argument functions and methods take data first and configuration second, but we can generally apply configuration before we have data.

// (String.Encoding) -> (Data) -> String?

Now we can build reusable, composable pieces and put them to work in our pipelines.

let stringWithEncoding = flip(curry(String.init(data:encoding:)))
// (String.Encoding) -> (Data) -> String?

let utf8String = stringWithEncoding(.utf8)
// (Data) -> String?

We can also take existing methods and extract functions from their already-curried, static versions.

// (String) -> (Locale?) -> String

let capitalized = flip(String.capitalized)
// (Locale?) -> (String) -> (String)

["hello, world", "and good night"]
  .map(capitalized(Locale(identifier: "en")))
// ["Hello, World", "And Good Night"]

And zurry restores composition for functions and methods that take zero arguments.

// (String) -> () -> String

// () -> (String) -> String

let uppercased = zurry(flip(String.uppercased))
// (String) -> String

["hello, world", "and good night"]


The get function produces getter functions from key paths.

// (String) -> Int

["hello, world", "and good night"]
// [12, 14]

We can even compose other functions into get by using the pipe function. Here we build a function that increments an integer, squares it, turns it into a string, and then gets the string's character count:

pipe(incr, square, String.init, get(\.count))
// (Int) -> Int


The prop function produces setter functions from key paths.

let setUserName = prop(\
((String) -> String) -> (User) -> User

let capitalizeUserName = setUserName(capitalize)
// (User) -> User

let setUserAge = prop(\User.age)

let celebrateBirthday = setUserAge(incr)
// (User) -> User

with(User(name: "blob", age: 1), concat(
// User(name: "Blob", age: 2)



If you use Carthage, you can add the following dependency to your Cartfile:

github "pointfreeco/swift-overture" "master"


If your project uses CocoaPods, just add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Overture', :git => ''


If you want to use Overture in a project that uses SwiftPM, it's as simple as adding a dependencies clause to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    url: "",

Xcode Sub-project

Submodule, clone, or download Overture, and drag Overture.xcodeproj into your project.


This library was created as an alternative to swift-prelude, which provides these tools (and more) using infix operators. For example, pipe is none other than the arrow composition operator >>>, which means the following are equivalent: >>> square), square))

We know that many code bases are not going to be comfortable introducing operators, so we wanted to reduce the barrier to entry for embracing function composition.

Interested in learning more?

These concepts (and more) are explored thoroughly in Point-Free.


All modules are released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


๐ŸŽผ A library for function composition.



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  • Swift 96.7%
  • Makefile 1.9%
  • Ruby 1.4%