Bukara Recorder Service
Bukara is a systemd-enabled D-Bus service designed to simplify audio recording on Linux using PipeWire. It integrates with the D-Bus message bus and allows remote control of audio recordings via record and stop commands. Recordings are saved in the Downloads directory with filenames based on the current timestamp.
I'm exploring audio production and enjoy working with samples. This tool lets me quickly capture interesting sound snippets from YouTube videos, movies, Netflix shows, and more. Simply press Ctrl+Shift+R to start recording and Ctrl+Shift+T to stop. The recording is automatically saved in $HOME/Downloads, ready for you to edit later in Audacity or your preferred sound-editing software. After refining, you can add it to your sample library.
This project relies on modern Linux desktop environment:
- PipeWire (pw-record)
- systemd for service management
And naturally, Rust with Cargo for building the project.
To install Bukara as a systemd user service, use the provided installation script:
./install.sh install
This script will:
Build the Rust project in release mode.
Place the compiled binary in ~/bin.
Create a systemd service file and enable it.
Start the service immediately.
Now manually set keyboard shortcuts, here is how to do it in Gnome:
In Gnome Settings, Keyboard
-> View and Customize Shortcuts
-> Custom Shortcuts
-> +
-> Start Audio Recording
command: busctl --user call com.github.peerchemist.Bukara1 /com/github/peerchemist/Bukara1 com.github.peerchemist.Bukara1 Record
-> + Stop Audio Recording
command: busctl --user call com.github.peerchemist.Bukara1 /com/github/peerchemist/Bukara1 com.github.peerchemist.Bukara1 Stop
To remove Bukara, run:
./install.sh uninstall