educative.io_courses Public
Forked from techtanic/educative.io_coursesthis is downloadings of all educative.io free student subscription courses as pdf from GitHub student pack
UpdatedJul 27, 2022 -
boilerplate-npm Public
Forked from freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-npmA boilerplate for the freeCodeCamp curriculum.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 21, 2020 -
100-days-of-code Public
Forked from kallaway/100-days-of-codeFork this template for the 100 days journal - to keep yourself accountable (multiple languages available)
UpdatedAug 11, 2020 -
npm-expansions Public
Forked from npm/npm-expansionsSend us a pull request by editing expansions.txt
JavaScript UpdatedMay 22, 2020 -
Spoon-Knife Public
Forked from octocat/Spoon-KnifeThis repo is for demonstration purposes only.
HTML UpdatedMay 21, 2020 -
public-apis Public
Forked from public-apis/public-apisA collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
Python UpdatedMay 21, 2020 -
system-design-primer Public
Forked from donnemartin/system-design-primerLearn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Python Other UpdatedMay 21, 2020 -
developer-roadmap Public
Forked from kamranahmedse/developer-roadmapRoadmap to becoming a web developer in 2020
Other UpdatedMay 16, 2020 -
design-patterns-for-humans Public
Forked from kamranahmedse/design-patterns-for-humansAn ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns
UpdatedSep 27, 2019