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Utility for Nanopore Current Alignment to Large Expanses of DNA (version 4)

A toolkit for nanopore signal alignment, analysis, and visualization

Performs accurate basecaller-guided nanopore signal alignment, similar to nanopolish eventalign or tombo resquiggle, to map nanopore signal segments to reference nucleotides. Also supports conversion of any signal alignments to an efficient BAM format, allowing for interactive visualizations, modification detection, and other signal analyses.

For real-time targeted sequencing via rapid signal mapping, see UNCALLED

Read our pre-print on BioRxiv!

Uncalled4 improves nanopore DNA and RNA modification detection via fast and accurate signal alignment
S. Kovaka, P.W. Hook, K.M. Jenike, V. Shivakumar, L.B. Morina, R. Razaghi, W. Timp, M.C. Schatz
BioRxiv (2024)

Table of Contents


pip install uncalled4


git clone
cd uncalled4
pip install .

Requires python >= 3.8 and GCC>=4.9.2

Uncalled4 is currently only tested Linux, primarily on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04


The example/ directory contains scripts to download example data and test each command:

cd uncalled4/example

Uncalled4 signal alignment is guided by BAM alignments output by the basecaller with "move" tags (Dorado --emit-moves --emit-sam or Guppy --moves_out), which include mv:, ts:, and related BAM tags. This BAM file should contain reference-aligned reads (Dorado --reference or guppy --align_ref), unmapped will be ignored. To (re)align reads while preserving these tags, you can use samtools fastq -T "mv,ts,pi,sp,ns" <file>.bam > file.fastq (v1.16 or newer) to convert the tags to FASTQ format, then align using minimap2 -y ... to propagate the tags to the SAM file. Guppy only includes BAM tag on primary alignments by default. See scripts/ to copy tags to supplemental and secondary aligments.

Uncalled4 primarily stores signal alignments in BAM alignment tags, including per-reference signal coordinates and current summary statistics required for most signal analyses. A sorted and indexed (via samtools index) Uncalled4 BAM file is required for most visualization and analysis commands. Nanopolish, f5c, or Tombo alignments can be converted to Uncalled4 format via the convert command.

Signal alignment requires a pore model to map k-mers to expected current. Uncalled4 will attempt to automatically detect the appropriate pore model from the input data, but may require you to specify a preset pore model or custom pore model. This can be specified using the --pore-model flag or --flowcell and --kit flags. uncalled4 train trains new pore models, either starting from a initialization pore model, or from scratch using basecaller moves.

Preliminary support for RNA004 alignment is implemented on the dev branch. Signal alignment quality appears to be better than RNA002, but the exact implementation may change before migrating to the main branch.


Perform DTW alignment guided by basecalled alignments

usage: uncalled4 align [-h] ref_index paths [paths ...] --bam-in [BAM_IN] [-p PROCESSES] [--flowcell FLOWCELL] 
					   [--kit KIT] [--rna] [--ordered-out] [-f] [--kmer-shift KMER_SHIFT] [--bam-chunksize BAM_CHUNKSIZE] 
					   [--out-name OUT_NAME] [-r] [-l READ_FILTER] [-x READ_INDEX] [-n MAX_READS] [--count-events] 
                       [--del-max DEL_MAX] [--ins-max INS_MAX] [--mask-skips [MASK_SKIPS]] [--unmask-splice] 
                       [-c {abs_diff,z_score,norm_pdf}] [--skip-cost SKIP_COST] [--stay-cost STAY_COST] [--move-cost MOVE_COST] 
                       [-b BAND_WIDTH] [-s BAND_SHIFT] [--mvcmp-mask MVCMP_MASK] [--max-norm-dist MAX_NORM_DIST] [--max-sd MAX_SD]
                       [--min-aln-length MIN_ALN_LENGTH] [-N {ref_mom,model_mom}] [-C CONFIG] [-o [BAM_OUT] | --tsv-out
                       [TSV_OUT] | --eventalign-out [EVENTALIGN_OUT]] [-m PORE_MODEL] [--tsv-cols TSV_COLS] [--tsv-na [TSV_NA]]
                       [--tsv-noref] [--eventalign-flags EVENTALIGN_FLAGS]

required arguments:
  ref_index             FASTA file indexed by faidx
  paths                 Paths to fast5, slow5, or pod5 files, or to directories containing those files (optionally recursive)
  --bam-in [BAM_IN]     BAM input file (or "-"/no argument for stdin) (default: None)

output arguments (one required):
  -o, --bam-out     BAM output file
  --tsv-out         TSV output file (or "-"/no argument for stdout) 
  --eventalign-out  Eventalign (nanopolish) output file (or "-"/no argument for stdout)

selected optional arguments:
  -p, --processess      Number of parallel processes (default: 1)
  --flowcell FLOWCELL   Flowcell used for sequencing (e.g. FLO-MIN106)
  --kit KIT             Kit used for sequencing (e.g. SQK-LSK109)
  -m, --pore-model       Custom pore model
  --rna                 Required for custom RNA pore models
  --tsv-cols TSV_COLS   TSV file output alignment layers (comma-separated, can also include "read_id" (default: dtw)
  --tsv-na [TSV_NA]     Missing value representation for TSV output (default: *)
  --tsv-noref           Will NOT output reference coordinates to TSV if True (default: False)
  --eventalign-flags    Eventalign optional flags (comma-separated list of ""print-read-names", "signal-index", "samples")
  -h, --help            Print full command line usage

--bam-in must be a BAM file produced by Dorado using --emit-moves --emit-sam flags or the Guppy --moves_out flag.


Convert between signal alignment file formats

usage: uncalled4 convert [-h] [--bam-in BAM_IN | --eventalign-in [EVENTALIGN_IN]
                         | --tombo-in TOMBO_IN]                                                   
                         [--eventalign-out [EVENTALIGN_OUT] | --tsv-out [TSV_OUT] | 
                         --m6anet-out [M6ANET_OUT]] [--tsv-cols TSV_COLS] 
                         [--eventalign-flags EVENTALIGN_FLAGS]
                         [--mask-skips [MASK_SKIPS]] [--reads READS [READS ...]]          
                         [-l READ_FILTER] [-x READ_INDEX] [-r] [--rna] [-R REF_BOUNDS] [-f] [-a]

Generally only one --*-in and one --*-out option should be specified, with the exception of --bam-out where a template bam file should be specified via --bam-in.

nanopolish or f5c eventalign should be run with the --signal-index and --scale-events options, and can be converted with uncalled4 convert --eventalign-in <eventalign.txt> --bam-in <mm2.bam>, where <mm2.bam> is the exact BAM file used to guide the eventalign command.

--m6anet-out efficently implements m6anet dataprep for sorted Uncalled4 BAM files. This should be used with an m6Anet model trained on Uncalled4 alignments


Iteratively train a new k-mer pore model

Accepts most of the same paramters as uncalled4 align, in addition to number of iterations. First iteration must use some starting pore model, while subsequent iterations use the pore model from the previous iteration.

usage: uncalled4 train [-h] [-i ITERATIONS] [--kmer-samples KMER_SAMPLES] [--buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE]          
                       [-d MAX_BCALN_DIST] [--use-median] [--out-dir OUT_DIR] [-a] [--skip-dtw] [-p PROCESSES] 
                       [--bam-chunksize BAM_CHUNKSIZE] [--guppy-in GUPPY_IN] --bam-in [BAM_IN]                 
                       [--out-name OUT_NAME] [-r] [-l READ_FILTER] [-x READ_INDEX] [-n MAX_READS]             
                       [--del-max DEL_MAX] [--mask-skips [MASK_SKIPS]] [--mask-indels MASK_INDELS] [-f]        
                       [-m PORE_MODEL] [--kmer-shift KMER_SHIFT] [--save-bands] [--full-overlap] [--rna]       
                       [-R REF_BOUNDS] [-c {abs_diff,z_score,norm_pdf}] [--skip-cost SKIP_COST]                
                       [--stay-cost STAY_COST] [--move-cost MOVE_COST] [-b BAND_WIDTH] [-s BAND_SHIFT]         
                       [-N {ref_mom,model_mom}] [--norm-median] [--norm-seg] [--bc-group BC_GROUP] [-C CONFIG] 
                       ref_index read_files [read_files ...]                                              


All visualizations are generated using Plotly.


Plot alignment tracks and per-reference statistics

Trackplots are defined by a series of panels displaying different layers. A mat panel display a heatmap of layer values for each ref/read coordinate on each track. A box panel displays boxplots of layer summary statistics for each track. line and scatter panels display refstats summary statistics, specified by <layer>.<statistic> (e.g. current.mean, model_diff.median).

usage: uncalled4 trackplot ref_bounds bam_in1 [bam_in2 ...]        
        [--shared-refs-only] [--shared-reads-only] [--share-reads] [--hover-read] [-o OUTFILE] [-C CONFIG]
        [--mat LAYER] [--box LAYER] [--line LAYER.STAT] [--scatter LAYER.STAT]

Plot alignment tracks and per-reference statistics

positional arguments:
  ref_bounds            Reference coordinates to visualize (chr:start-end)
  bam_in                BAM input file (or "-"/no argument for stdin)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --read-paths READ_PATHS [READ_PATHS ...]
                        Paths to fast5, slow5, or pod5 files (if auto-detection fails)
  --ref-index REF_INDEX
                        Reference fasta name (if auto-detection fails)
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        Output file (default: None)
  -C CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file in TOML format (default: None)
  --mat LAYER           Display a ref-by-read matrix of specified alignment layer (default: None)
  --box LAYER           Display a boxplot of specified layer (default: None)
  --line LAYER.STAT     Display a line plot of specifed layer summary statistic (default: None)
  --scatter LAYER.STAT  Display a line plot of specifed layer summary statistic (default: None)


Interactive signal alignment genome browser

Integrates trackplot and dotplot for interactive alignment browsing

usage: uncalled4 browser ref_bounds bam_in1 [bam_in2 ...]
	[--read-paths READ_PATHS [READ_PATHS ...]] [--ref-index REF_INDEX] [-x READ_INDEX] [-r]
        [--rna] [-l READ_FILTER] [-f] [--pore-model PORE_MODEL] [--names NAMES] [-p PORT] [-o OUTFILE]                         

Interactive signal alignment genome browser

positional arguments:
  ref_bounds            Reference coordinates to visualize (chr:start-end)
  bam_in                BAM input file(s)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --read-paths READ_PATHS [READ_PATHS ...]
                        Paths to fast5, slow5, or pod5 files (if auto-detection fails)
  --ref-index REF_INDEX
                        Reference fasta name (if auto-detection fails)
  --names NAMES         Names of tracks to read from input(s) (default: None)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Browser port (default: 8000)


These functions compute statistics over reference and read coordinates. refstats computes summary and comparison statistics (e.g. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) over reference coordinates, while layerstats maintains the read-by-reference dimensions of the DTW alignments.

(Coming soon: readstats to compute read-level statistics)


Calculate per-reference-coordinate statistics

usage: uncalled4 refstats [-h] [-t TRACKS] [-R REF_BOUNDS] [--min-coverage MIN_COVERAGE]
                          [--bed-filter BED_FILTER] [--ref-chunksize REF_CHUNKSIZE]
                          [--aln-chunksize ALN_CHUNKSIZE] [-c] [--ref-index REF_INDEX]
                          [-m PORE_MODEL] [-p PROCESSES] [-o OUTFILE]
                          layers refstats bam_in [bam_in ...]

Calculate per-reference-coordinate statistics

positional arguments:
  layers                Comma-separated list of layers over which to compute summary statistics
  refstats              Comma-separated list of summary statistics to compute. Some statisitcs (ks)
                        can only be used if exactly two tracks are provided
  bam_in                BAM input file (or "-"/no argument for stdin)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TRACKS, --tracks TRACKS
                        Names of tracks to read from input(s) (default: None)
  -R REF_BOUNDS, --ref-bounds REF_BOUNDS
                        Only load reads which overlap these coordinates (default: None)
  --min-coverage MIN_COVERAGE
                        Reference positions with less than this coverage will be excluded from each
                        track (or all tracks if shared_refs_only is true) (default: 1)
  --bed-filter BED_FILTER
                        Only parse regions in BED file (default: None)
  --ref-chunksize REF_CHUNKSIZE
                        Number of reference coordinates to query for iteration (default: 10000)
  --aln-chunksize ALN_CHUNKSIZE
                        Number of alignments to query for iteration (default: 500)
  -c, --cov             Output track coverage for each reference position (default: False)
  --ref-index REF_INDEX
                        BWA index prefix (default: None)
  -m PORE_MODEL, --pore-model PORE_MODEL
                        Model preset name or TSV filename (default: None)
  -p PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of parallel processes (default: 1)
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE

Alignment Layers

Uncalled4 stores signal alignments as a set of layers associated with read and reference coordinates. Each layer is derived from the read signal (e.g. current), the reference sequence (e.g. kmer), or other layers (e.g. model_diff). Layers are organized into layer groups: dtw for signal alignments, bcaln for projected basecalled alignments, and cmp for alignment comparisons. Several subcommands detailed above take layer names as input, which should generaly be in the form <group>.<layer>. For brevity, group can be excluded for dtw layers (e.g. you can simply input current, not dtw.currnt). Below is a table of currently available layers:

Group Layer Description
dtw current Mean read signal current (pA)
dtw start Read signal sample start index
dtw length Read signal sample length
dtw dwell Signal dwell time (ms/nt, proportional to length)
dtw model_diff Difference between predicted (via a pore model) and observed current
dtw abs_diff Absolute value of dtw.model_diff
dtw kmer Binarized reference k-mer
dtw events Number of raw signal events aligned ("stays" > 1, "skips" < 1)
dtw base Binarized reference base
bcaln start Estimated read signal sample start index
bcaln length Estimated read signal sample length
bcaln indel Number of inserted (>0) or deleted (<0) nucleotides
cmp mean_ref_dist Mean reference distance between two alignments (must first run layerstats compare)
cmp jaccard Raw sample jaccard distances between two alignments (must first run layerstats compare)

All tracks must be written to the same database for multi-track visualization and analysis (e.g. comparing alignments, calculating KS statistics). You can merge multiple databases into a single file using uncalled db merge

Release Notes


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  • Python 64.5%
  • C++ 34.8%
  • Other 0.7%