implementation and tricks
- resources
- miguelAlessandro / introduciion a programcion competitive
- miguelAlessandro / complejidad
- tocoder / power up c with the standard template library part 1
- miguelAlessandro / uso de stack and queue
- miguelAlessandro / implementation problems
- miguelAlessandro / paradigmas de programacion
- aops / induction
- aops / induction problem
- aops / strong induction
- resources
Brute Force
Number Theory
- resources
- miguelAlessandro / number theory implementations
- miguelAlessandro / numeros primos
- emaxx / sieve
- miguelAlessandro / Inclusion-exclusion principle
- miguelAlessandro / Inclusion-exclusion principle 2
- emaxx/Inclusion-Exclusion principle
- miguelAlessandro / matrix
- miguelAlessandro / matrix 2
- aops/modular arithmetic
- aops/number theoric in competitive programming
- codeforces/number theoric practice problems
- youtube / instroduction to IEP
- resources
Divide and Conquer
- resources:
- ternary search
- resources:
Graph theory
- miguelAlessandro / graph theory introduction
- miguelAlessandro / DFS & BFS
- miguelAlessandro / dfs and theorems
- miguelAlessandro / trees
- miguelAlessandro / trees 2
- miguelAleesandro / questions
- emaxx / dijkstra
- wikipedia / cycle detection
- emaxx / topological sorting
- emaxx / strongly connected components
dynamic programming
- miguelAlessandro / dynamic proramming 1
- miguelAlessandro / dyamic programming 2
- miguelAlessandro / dynamic programming tutorials
- codeforces / dynamyic programming type
- topcoder / dynamic programming from novice to advanced
- codechef / dynamic programming
- codeforces / save memory in dynamic programming
Data structures:
- resources:
data structures
- resources:
- emaxx / disjoint set union
- codeforces / union find without ranges
- hackerearth / dsu
- codeforces / understanding disjoint set union structure
- habr / dsu
- codeforces / dsu implementation
- miguelAlessandro/fenwick tree
- miguelAlessandro/sparse table implementation
- miguelAlessandro/trie
- emaxx / sparse table
- resources:
string theory
- resources:
- brute force
- simulation
- bfs and dfs
- number theory
- dynamic programming 2
- fenwick tree + sweep line
- topological sort + dsu
- repaso
- chinese contest