* Feature: Add ``char_read_long`` for reading characteristics longer than a
single packet (#206, #177)
* Feature: Add command to change MTU (GATTTool only) (#182)
* Feature: Allow registering callbacks for device discovery events. (#176)
* Feature: Support fetching BLE device MAC address (#150)
* Improvement: Add better serial port error handling for BGAPI. (#162)
* Improvement: Expand and allow overriding pexpect search buffer for gatttool
output to support devices with many characteristics without negatively
impacting performance (#209)
* Improvement: Wait before re-opening BGAPI serial port to improve detection on
Windows. (#162)
* Improvement: Add support for Python 3.7
* Fix: Use ATT write (not command) by default for char_write
* Fix: Wait longer for ATT write according to BlueGiga spec
* Fix: Fix BGAPI device detection (#154)
* Fix: Stop leaking file descriptors when erasing BLE bonds with GATTTool
backend (#188)
* Fix: Typos (#173)
* Drop official support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6.