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Capacitor HealthKit Plugin

We are slowly working on the next version of this plugin. PRs to the main branch are no longer being accepted, please work with the v2 branch from now on. v2 is already being published as alpha on npm.

❤️ Capacitor plugin to retrieve data from HealthKit ❤️

Disclaimer : for now only some of the HK data base, in the future the retrieve base will be bigger !

Getting Started


  • Add HealthKit to your Xcode project (section signing & capabilities)

alt text

  • ADD Privacy - Health Share Usage Description to your Xcode project
  • ADD Privacy - Health Update Usage Description to your Xcode project

You can simply put this into the info.plist file

	<string>Read Health Data</string>
	<string>Read Health Data</string>



npm i --save @perfood/capacitor-healthkit


npx cap update

And if you use Ionic or Angular, here a example setup:

in your .ts file add this:

import {
} from '@perfood/capacitor-healthkit';

const READ_PERMISSIONS = ['calories', 'stairs', 'activity', 'steps', 'distance', 'duration', 'weight'];

and then you can create async functions like this:

  public async requestAuthorization(): Promise<void> {
    try {
      await CapacitorHealthkit.requestAuthorization({
        all: [''],
        read: READ_PERMISSIONS,
        write: [''],

    } catch (error) {
      console.error('[HealthKitService] Error getting Authorization:', error);

  private async getActivityData(
    startDate: Date,
    endDate: Date = new Date(),
  ): Promise<QueryOutput<ActivityData>> | undefined {
    try {
      const queryOptions = {
        sampleName: SampleNames.WORKOUT_TYPE,
        startDate: startDate.toISOString(),
        endDate: endDate.toISOString(),
        limit: 0,

      return await CapacitorHealthkit.queryHKitSampleType<ActivityData>(queryOptions);
    } catch (error) {

      return undefined;

so you can use the plugin for example with the call CapacitorHealthkit.queryHKitSampleType(...

And you're all set ! 👍


requestAuthorization(authOptions: AuthorizationQueryOptions) => Promise<void>

This functions will open the iOS Screen to let users choose their permissions. Keep in mind as developers, if the access has been denied by the user we will have no way of knowing - the query results will instead just be empty arrays.

Param Type Description
authOptions AuthorizationQueryOptions These define which access we need. Possible Options include ['calories', 'stairs', 'activity', 'steps', 'distance', 'duration', 'weight'].


queryHKitSampleType<T>(queryOptions: SingleQueryOptions) => Promise<QueryOutput<T>>

This defines a query to the Healthkit for a single type of data.

Param Type Description
queryOptions SingleQueryOptions defines the type of data and the timeframe which shall be queried, a limit can be set to reduce the number of results.

Returns: Promise<QueryOutput<T>>


isAvailable() => Promise<void>

This functions resolves if HealthKitData is available it uses the native HKHealthStore.isHealthDataAvailable() funtion of the HealthKit .


multipleQueryHKitSampleType(queryOptions: MultipleQueryOptions) => Promise<any>

This defines a query to the Healthkit for a single type of data. This function has not been tested.

Param Type Description
queryOptions MultipleQueryOptions defines the sample types which can be queried for

Returns: Promise<any>


isEditionAuthorized(queryOptions: EditionQuery) => Promise<void>

Checks if there is writing permission for one specific sample type. This function has not been tested.

Param Type Description
queryOptions EditionQuery defines the sampletype for which you need to check for writing permission.


multipleIsEditionAuthorized(queryOptions: MultipleEditionQuery) => Promise<void>

Checks if there is writing permission for multiple sample types. This function has not been tested.

Param Type Description
queryOptions MultipleEditionQuery defines the sampletypes for which you need to check for writing permission.



Used for authorization of reading and writing access.

Prop Type
read string[]
write string[]
all string[]


This interface is used for any results coming from HealthKit. It always has a count and the actual results.

Prop Type
countReturn number
resultData T[]


This extends the Basequeryoptions for a single sample type.

Prop Type
sampleName string


This extends the Basequeryoptions for a multiple sample types.

Prop Type
sampleNames string[]


This is used for checking writing permissions.

Prop Type
sampleName string


This is used for checking writing permissions.

Prop Type
sampleNames string[]



This project is licensed under the MIT License