svgexport is a Node.js module and command-line tool for exporting SVG files to PNG and JPEG, it uses PhantomJS for rendering SVG files.
npm install svgexport -g
svgexport <input file> <output file> <options>
svgexport <datafile>
<options> [<format>] [<quality>] [<input viewbox>] [<output size>] [<resize mode>] [<styles>]
<format> png|jpeg|jpg
If not specified, it will be inferred from output file extension or defaults to "png".
<quality> 1%-100%
<input viewbox> <left>:<top>:<width>:<height>|<width>:<height>
If input viewbox is not specified it will be inferred from input file.
<output size> <scale>x|<width>:<height>|<width>:|:<height>
If output size is specified as width:height, <viewbox mode> is used.
<viewbox mode> crop|pad
Crop (slice) or pad (extend) input to match output aspect ratio, default mode is "crop".
<datafile> Path of a JSON file with following content:
[ {
"input" : "<input file> <options>",
"output": [ "<output file> <options>", ... ]
}, ...]
Input file options are merged with and overridden by output file options.
Instead of a JSON file, a Node module which exports same content can be provided.
svgexport input.svg output.png 1.5x
svgexport input.svg output.png 54:
svgexport input.svg output.png pad 32:54
svgexport input.svg output.png -1:-1:24:24 1x
svgexport input.svg output.jpg 80% 24:24 48:64
svgexport input.svg output.jpg "svg { background: silver; }"
npm install svgexport --save
var svgexport = require('svgexport');
svgexport.render(datafile, callback);
can be an object/array or a JSON file path, see command line usage for its format.
Keywords: svg, export, rasterize, converter, png, jpeg, jpg, cli, command-line, inkscape, illustrator, coreldraw