Tags: perllaghu/Parse-RecDescent
Fix misuse of require to include MYMETA.pl, prep for v1.967015 I had originally used 'do' to include MYMETA.pl in both Build.PL and Makefile.PL. Just before release I changed that to 'require', not realizing that require only returns scalars. The metadata is just present in both files now. This is a CPAN metadata-only change.
Fix Data::Dumper dependency, bump version to 1.967013 Wrap Data::Dumper->Dump() to localize some $Data::Dumper::VARS to control the dumped output. In particular, Data::Dumper::Terse=1 was reported to break parser generation. (RT.cpan.org #107355, thanks Sherrard!)
Bump version to 1.967_010 for release. Document changes in global <skip> directive, update skip.t.
Fix for RT #74593: restore _parserepeat calling convection. Parse::RecDescent 1.966_002 introduced a bug fix that changed the calling convention for the internal function _parserepeat. This function was also used by Precompiled parsers distributed as parts of other modules on CPAN, like Mail::IMAPClient and Module::ExtractUse. This change restores the old old _parserepeat calling convention, placing the new $_itempos argument at the end of the list. An unfortunate side effect of this change is that Precompiled parsers that used versions 1.966_002 - 1.967_007 will break with this change. Additionally, some Precompiled parsers available in CPAN modules (like Module::ExtractUse) pre-dated Parse::RecDescent's setting of the _precompiled member in the returned $parser. Recent changes to DESTROY to fix some memory leaks for dynamically generated parsers end up removing those precompiled parser's functions. Now Parse::RecDescent sets _not_precompiled on runtime-generated parsers. New precompiled parsers should delete this key prior to writing out the parser. LocalWords: parserepeat