- Shader terrain material added.
- Shadows fixed.
- Lambert material issue fixed.
- index.html -> examples/fps.html.
- autoresize for basic_object example fixed.
- Source tree restructured. (All code now in src folder)
- build folder consist of whitestorm.js(original) and whitestorm.min.js(minified).
- textures -> assets/textures, terrain -> assets/terrain
- Three.js and cannon.js moved to libs.
- Ground fixed.
- Grass added(+-)
- PackUvs func for add UVs for custom geometry.
- Improved FPS rate. (from 40 fps to 50-60 fps).
- Terrain fixed. (from 20 fps to 40 fps //collisions//)
- License fixed.
- Funcs added ( API ).
- Examples added.
- AddObject function
- Terrain added.
- Basic API