WhitestormJS is a library to combine Three.Js with Cannon.js. It makes WebGL development easy.
Include three.js and cannon.js libraries. Include script tag pointing to Whitestorm.js library to your head or after body:
<script src="three.js"></script>
<script src="cannon.js"></script>
<!-- WhitestormJS library -->
<script src="{path_to_lib}/whitestorm.js"></script>
After adding libs you need to configure your game:
var GAME = new WHS.init( THREE, CANNON,
anaglyph: false, // Anaglyph effect.
helper: false, // Cannon.js shape helper
stats: "fps", // fps, ms, mb or false if not need.
wagner: WAGNER, // wagner library variable
gravity: { // Physic gravity.
x: 0,
y: -200,
z: 0
- FPS (First person example with wagner effects and terrain.)
- Basic (Basic "Hello world!" example.)
- Material (Basic example with material.)
- Object/Icosahedron (Icosahedron from THREE.JS example.)
Changelog: Look here
Произведение «WhitestormJS 3D-Library» созданное автором по имени Alexander Buzin, публикуется на условиях лицензии Creative Commons «Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives» («Атрибуция — Некоммерческое использование — Без производных произведений») 4.0 Всемирная.
Основано на произведении с https://github.com/sasha240100/WhitestormJS.
Разрешения, выходящие за рамки данной лицензии, могут быть доступны на странице https://github.com/sasha240100/WhitestormJS.