- San Francisco
- https://twitter.com/knownissues
brackets-nativecode Public
Enhancements for Brackets when working with C, C++, Objective-C or Objective-C++
anti-lint-js Public
Brackets extension to replace default JSLint checker with a simple JS syntax checker
brackets-gradient-editor Public
Brackets extension: Visually edit CSS gradients inline via Quick Edit
brackets-charcount Public
Brackets extension: Display character count of current file in the status bar
brackets-jump-to-matching Public
Brackets extension to jump cursor from one brace/bracket/parenthesis to its matching counterpart
brackets-regex-editor Public
Brackets inline editor extension for regular expressions, with full syntax highlighting & testing
lint-all-the-things Public
Brackets extension to lint everything in your project at once
simple-sloc-counter Public
Brackets extension: simple lines of code (SLOC) counter for JS code
eval-in-browser Public
Brackets extension to eval() arbitrary snippets of JS code in your browser with one keystroke
svg-preview Public
Brackets extension to live preview SVG files inline as you edit them
quick-import Public
Shortcut for generating RequireJS/CommonJS import statements in Brackets
reasonable-comments Public
Simple enhancement for typing Enter in block comments in Brackets
goto-last-edit Public
Brackets shortcut to jump cursor to location of last edit in the current file
everyscrub Public
Extension for Brackets that turns every CSS number/color into a draggable "scrubber"
copy-as-html Public
Brackets extension to copy code to the clipboard with full color syntax highlighting
brackets-commands-guide Public
Quick keyboard access to Brackets commands
brackets-editor-nav Public
Brackets extension adding new file-navigation shortcuts
brackets-string-finder Public
Brackets extension to find all string literals in your JS code, across your whole project
xd-trimit Public
Adobe XD plugin to trim Artboards, Area Text, and Repeat Grids to perfectly fit their content
The official mirror of the V8 Git repository
C++ Other UpdatedMar 25, 2020 -
xd-artboard-quicknav Public
Adobe XD plugin to quickly jump to a specific artboard
xd-copy-css-code Public
Adobe XD plugin to quickly copy CSS styles to the clipboard
xd-color-blender Public
Adobe XD plugin to blend fill colors across a set of objects
brackets-github-utils Public
Extension to easily navigate from files in Brackets to the corresponding GitHub page online
mocha Public
Forked from mochajs/mochamocha - simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser. (BDD, TDD, QUnit styles via interfaces)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 13, 2015 -
MarkdownPreview Public
Forked from gruehle/MarkdownPreviewBrackets extension for previewing markdown files
JSLint Public
Forked from jslint-org/jslintThe JavaScript Code Quality Tool
JavaScript UpdatedDec 3, 2014 -
dependo Public
Forked from auchenberg/dependoVisualize your CommonJS or AMD module dependencies in a force directed graph report.
CSS MIT License UpdatedNov 29, 2014 -
Brackets-CodeOverview Public
Forked from thomasvalera/Brackets-CodeOverviewAn easy to use overview of you editor's code