Project files for the Item Catalog Project in the Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree.
This project contains a database of comic book universe characters.
Follow these instructions to set up the Vagrant Linux Environment and the Item Catalog Project
You will need the following Python resources for it to run:
- Python 2.7 or above (
- Git (
- Vagrant (
- VirtualBox (
- Sqlalchemy (
You will need the following other resources for it to run:
- Flask (
- Httplib2 (
- Oauth2client (
- Web browser i.e. Chrome (
- Install Git ( on the local machine
- Install Python 2.7 or above ( on the local machine
- Install VirtualBox ( on the local machine
- Install Vagrant ( on the local machine
- Use git clone to clone this repository.
- Navigate to the cloned repository using Git i.e. cd desktop/local-machine/vagrant
- Run the command 'vagrant up' to download and install the linux operating system.
- Run the command 'vagrant ssh' to log in to the virtual machine.
- Install Flask ( with pip install Flask, if it is not installed already.
- Install Sqlalchemy, Httplib2 and Oauth2client with sudo apt-get install, if they are not installed already.
After the initial setup you can load the project files while connected to vagrant.
Navigate to cd item-catalog-project:
- Run python requirements.txt
- Run python
- Run your web browser.
It uses python to establish a simple item-catalog database with an ability to add and edit new items.
The Item Catalog allows:
- Facebook or Google online login to edit add or delete content.
- Comic book characters to be added from comic book universes.
- New comic book universes to be added for characters.
In order to run the project you must have:
- Run requirements.txt with the python requirements.txt command.
- Run with the python command.
- Checked in a editor (some of which are featured below), if you would like to add more characters locally.
- Run python with the python command.
- Prepared your web browser to navigate to http://localhost:5000
- Run the command python in order to start the item-catalog.
- Navigate to http://localhost:5000 on your web browser for access.
- Atom (
- Notepad++ (
- Sublime Text (
Acknowledgments to Udacity for the resources that helped me develop this.