Tags: peterwillcn/sshkit
Preparing Release v1.2.0 * Support picking up a project local SSH config file, if a SSH config file exists at ./.ssh/config it will be merged with the ~/.ssh/config. This is ideal for defining project-local proxies/gateways, etc. Thanks to Alex @0rca Vzorov. * Tests and general improvements to the Printer backends (mostly used internally). Thanks to Michael @miry Nikitochkin. * Update the net-scp dependency version. Thanks again to Michael @miry Nikitochkin. * Improved command map. This feature allows mapped variables to be pushed and unshifted onto the mapping so that the Capistrano extensions for rbenv and bundler, etc can work together. For discussion about the reasoning see capistrano/capistrano#639 and capistrano#45. A big thanks to Kir @kirs Shatrov. * `test()` and `capture()` now behave as expected inside a `run_locally` block meaning that they now run on your local machine, rather than erring out. Thanks to Kentaro @kentaroi Imai. * The `:wait` option is now successfully passed to the runner now. Previously the `:wait` option was ignored. Thanks to Jordan @jhollinger Hollinger for catching the mistake in our test coverage. * Fixes and general improvements to the `download()` method which until now was quite naïve. Thanks to @chqr.