I'm a technical leader and developer with a passion for education and building great software. With a background in full-stack development and team leadership, I enjoy tackling complex problems and sharing knowledge with others.
A tvOS app for YouTube video playback built with Swift and SwiftUI. Uses the Invidious API and a custom implementation of Google's InnerTube API.
A web application with an innovative zooming user interface for spatial organization of information. Built with Ruby on Rails, HTML5 Canvas, and Redux.js (without React!).
An open-source text editor for AviSynth video processing, used by thousands globally and translated into multiple languages. Built with Python and wxPython.
An intro to OAuth workshop I ran for RailsConf 2021 (this was a fully remote conference due to the pandemic). I live coded the whole workshop while managing questions and audience participation on Discord, which was challenging but a lot of fun!
Probably my best known piece of writing - an overview of modern JavaScript, explained for beginners as well as seasoned developers who haven't been following the recent trends. One of Medium's top stories on 10/21/17.
The follow up post to Modern JavaScript Explained for Dinosaurs. This one covers everything CSS, from float/flexbox/grid based layouts to CSS pre and post processors to CSS methodologies like SMACSS and BEM. The #1 post on Hacker News on 2/5/18.
A paper written for my Masters in Mechanical Engineering, on optimizing three dimensional toolpaths for high speed machining processes using C, Python, and Matlab. Contributed to design and writing of the research paper and presented the results at the ASME 2004 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in Anaheim, California.
- LinkedIn: peterxjang
- Blog: peterxjang.com