- Game created with the engine (2023): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbVsi7y7nu0
- Technical demo of physics and shadows (2015): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSbCx7u6RtE
Game engine library in C++20: 3D, Physics, Sound, Network, IA, Map Editor
3D Engine:
- Graphic API: Vulkan
- 3D models with skeleton animation & Blender exporter
- Materials:
- Albedo texture or color
- Normal texture
- PBR with metal/roughness workflow
- Transparency
- Ambient
- Emissive
- Depth test/write
- Dynamic shadow: cascade shadow maps + improved PCF filter + stabilized shadow
- Dynamic lighting with deferred shading: directional, omnidirectional, spot
- Terrain multi-layered and grass
- Ambient occlusion (SSAO+)
- Anti-aliasing (FXAA)
- Space partitioning: octree
- UI: text, button, window, textbox, textarea, bitmap, sequence, checkbox, slider, scrollbar
- Skybox
- Fog
Physics Engine:
- Supported shapes: sphere, box, cylinder, capsule, cone, convex hull, compound shape, terrain
- Body types: rigid body, ghost body
- Algorithms:
- Broad phase: AABBox Tree
- Narrow phase: sphere-sphere, sphere-box, GJK/EPA, concave-convex
- Constraint solver (iterative): external force, friction, restitution, inertia
- Continuous collision detection (CCD)
- Island
- Ray cast
- Character controller
Sound Engine:
- Supported formats: ogg
- Localizable sound and global sound
- Sound trigger based on character position
IA Engine:
- Automatic navigation mesh generator
- Pathfinding A* with funnel algorithm
- Character controller
Network Engine:
- HTTP request sender
Map Editor:
- Handle:
- 3d objects with physics
- Lights
- Landscape: terrain, water, sky
- Sound
- AI agent
- Debug visualization: hit box, light range, sound trigger, navigation mesh
- Handle:
- Environment setup: here
- Build:
- Debug:
git clone https://github.com/petitg1987/urchinEngine.git && cd ./urchinEngine cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -S ./ -B .build/debug/ cmake --build .build/debug/ -- -j 8
- Release:
git clone https://github.com/petitg1987/urchinEngine.git && cd ./urchinEngine cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -S ./ -B .build/release/ cmake --build .build/release/ -- -j 8
- Debug:
- Execute tests:
cd urchinEngine/test/ ./testExecutor [unit] [integration] [monkey]
- Launch map editor:
cd urchinEngine/mapEditor/ ./urchinMapEditor