XRd4J is a Java library for building X-Road v6 Adapter Servers and clients. The library implements X-Road v6 SOAP profile v4.0 and Service Metadata Protocol. The library takes care of serialization and deserialization of SOAP messages: built-in support for standard X-Road SOAP headers, only processing of application specific request
and response
elements must be implemented.
By default this library is processing SOAP Body elements in compatibility mode with older versions of X-Road protocol. This means that request messages must contain request
wrapper and response messages must contain request
and response
wrappers. To skip automatic procession of request
and response
wrappers it is needed to call method request.setProcessingWrappers(false)
before serialization or deserialization of messages is performed. The usage of setProcessingWrappers
method is demonstrated in the examples below.
: SOAP client that generates X-Road v6 SOAP messages that can be sent to X-Road Security Server. Includes request serializer and response deserializer.server
: Provides abstract servlet that can be use as a base class for Adapter Server implementation. Includes request deserializer and response serializer.common
: General purpose utilities for processing SOAP messages and X-Road v6 message data models.rest
: HTTP clients that can be used for sending requests to web services from Adapter Server.
Available in CSC's Maven Repository: https://maven.csc.fi/repository/internal/
Specify CSC's Maven Repository in a POM:
<name>CSC's Maven repository</name>
If running mvn clean install
generates the error presented below, there are two possible solutions.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project example-adapter: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.pkrete.xrd4j.tools:example-adapter:war:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at com.pkrete.xrd4j:common:jar:0.0.1: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.pkrete.xrd4j:common:jar:0.0.1: Could not transfer artifact com.pkrete.xrd4j:common:pom:0.0.1 from/to csc-repo (https://maven.csc.fi/repository/internal/): sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target -> [Help 1]
Skip certificate validation:
mvn install -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.allowall=true
Import CSC's Maven repository's certificate as a trusted certificate into cacerts
keystore. See full instructions.
Declare the following depencies in a POM:
<!-- Module: common-->
<!-- Module: client-->
<!-- Module: server-->
<!-- Module: rest-->
The most essential classes of the library are:
: represents X-Road consumer member that acts as a client that initiates service call by sending a ServiceRequest.com.pkrete.xrd4j.common.member.ProducerMember
: represents X-Road producer member that produces services to X-Road.com.pkrete.xrd4j.common.message.ServiceRequest<?>
: represents X-Road service request that is sent by a ConsumerMember and received by a ProviderMember. Contains the SOAP request that is sent.com.pkrete.xrd4j.common.message.ServiceResponse<?, ?>
: represents X-Road service response message that is sent by a ProviderMember and received by a ConsumerMember. Contains the SOAP response.com.pkrete.xrd4j.client.serializer.AbstractServiceRequestSerializer
: abstract base class for service request serializers.com.pkrete.xrd4j.server.deserializer.AbstractCustomRequestDeserializer<?>
: abstract base class for service request deserializers.com.pkrete.xrd4j.server.serializer.AbstractServiceResponseSerializer
: abstract base class for service response serializers.com.pkrete.xrd4j.client.deserializer.AbstractResponseDeserializer<?, ?>
: abstract base class for service response deserializers.com.pkrete.xrd4j.client.SOAPClientImpl
: SOAP client that offers two methods that can be used for sending SOAPMessage objects and ServiceRequest objects.com.pkrete.xrd4j.server.AbstractAdapterServlet
: abstract base class for Servlets that implement SOAP message processing. Can be used as a base class for Adapter Server implementations.
Setting up development environment is explained in wiki.
Client application must implement two classes:
request serializer
is responsible for converting the object representing the request payload to SOAP- extends
- serializes all the other parts of the SOAP message except
- serializes all the other parts of the SOAP message except
- used through
interface - must implement
method that serializes therequest
element to SOAP
- extends
response deserializer
parses the incoming SOAP response message and constructs the objects representing the response payload- extends
AbstractResponseDeserializer<?, ?>
- deserializes all the other parts of the incoming SOAP message except
elements - type of the request and response data must be given as type parameters
- deserializes all the other parts of the incoming SOAP message except
- used through
interface - must implement
- extends
N.B. If HTTPS is used between the client and the Security Server, the public key certificate of the Security Server MUST be imported into "cacerts" keystore. Detailed instructions can be found from wiki.
Main class (generated request, received response):
// Security server URL
// N.B. If you want to use HTTPS, the public key certificate of the Security Server
// MUST be imported into "cacerts" keystore
String url = "http://security.server.com/";
// Consumer that is calling a service
ConsumerMember consumer = new ConsumerMember("FI_TEST", "GOV", "1234567-8", "TestSystem");
// Producer providing the service
ProducerMember producer = new ProducerMember("FI_TEST", "GOV", "9876543-1", "DemoService", "helloService", "v1");
// Create a new ServiceRequest object, unique message id is generated by MessageHelper.
// Type of the ServiceRequest is the type of the request data (String in this case)
ServiceRequest<String> request = new ServiceRequest<String>(consumer, producer, MessageHelper.generateId());
// Please uncomment the following line to disable procession of "request" and "response" wrappers.
// request.setProcessingWrappers(false);
// Set username
// Set request data
request.setRequestData("Test message");
// Application specific class that serializes request data
ServiceRequestSerializer serializer = new HelloServiceRequestSerializer();
// Application specific class that deserializes response data
ServiceResponseDeserializer deserializer = new HelloServiceResponseDeserializer();
// Create a new SOAP client
SOAPClient client = new SOAPClientImpl();
// Send the ServiceRequest, result is returned as ServiceResponse object
ServiceResponse<String, String> serviceResponse = client.send(request, url, serializer, deserializer);
// Print out the SOAP message received as response
// Print out only response data. In this case response data is a String.
// Check if response contains an error and print it out
if (serviceResponse.hasError()) {
HelloServiceRequestSerializer (serialized request):
* This class is responsible for serialiazing request data to SOAP. Request data is wrapped
* inside "request" element in SOAP body.
public class HelloServiceRequestSerializer extends AbstractServiceRequestSerializer {
* Serializes the request data.
* @param request ServiceRequest holding the application specific request object
* @param soapRequest SOAPMessage's request object where the request element is added
* @param envelope SOAPMessage's SOAPEnvelope object
protected void serializeRequest(ServiceRequest request, SOAPElement soapRequest, SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws SOAPException {
// Create element "name" and put request data inside the element
SOAPElement data = soapRequest.addChildElement(envelope.createName("name"));
data.addTextNode((String) request.getRequestData());
HelloServiceRequestSerializer generates name
element and sets request data ("Test message") as its value.
<ts:name>Test message</ts:name>
HelloServiceResponseDeserializer (response to be deserialized):
* This class is responsible for deserializing "request" and "response" elements of the SOAP response message
* returned by the Security Server. The type declaration "<String, String>" defines the type of request and
* response data, in this case they're both String.
public class HelloServiceResponseDeserializer extends AbstractResponseDeserializer<String, String> {
* Deserializes the "request" element.
* @param requestNode request element
* @return content of the request element
protected String deserializeRequestData(Node requestNode) throws SOAPException {
// Loop through all the children of the "request" element
for (int i = 0; i < requestNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
// We're looking for "name" element
if (requestNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getLocalName().equals("name")) {
// Return the text content of the element
return requestNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getTextContent();
// No "name" element was found, return null
return null;
* Deserializes the "response" element.
* @param responseNode response element
* @param message SOAP response
* @return content of the response element
protected String deserializeResponseData(Node responseNode, SOAPMessage message) throws SOAPException {
// Loop through all the children of the "response" element
for (int i = 0; i < responseNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
// We're looking for "message" element
if (responseNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getLocalName().equals("message")) {
// Return the text content of the element
return responseNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getTextContent();
// No "message" element was found, return null
return null;
HelloServiceResponseDeserializer's deserializeRequestData
method reads name
elements's value ("Test message") under request
element, and deserializeResponseData
method reads message
element's value ("Hello Test message! Greetings from adapter server!") under response
<ts:name>Test message</ts:name>
<ts:message>Hello Test message! Greetings from adapter server!</ts:message>
Receiving an Image From Server
The server returns images as base64 coded strings that are placed in SOAP attachments. Before being able to use the image the client must convert the base64 coded string to some other format. For example:
// Get the attached base64 coded image string
AttachmentPart attachment = (AttachmentPart) soapResponse.getAttachments().next();
// Get content-type of the attachment - if jpeg image, the content type is "image/jpeg"
String contentType = attachment.getContentType();
// Get the attachment as a String
String imgStr = SOAPHelper.toString(attachment);
// Convert base64 coded image string to BufferedImage
BufferedImage newImg = MessageHelper.decodeStr2Image(imgStr);
// Write the image to disk or do something else with it
// Content type must be set from "image/jpeg" to "jpg"
ImageIO.write(newImg, contentType, new File("/image/path"));
Server application must implement three classes:
is responsible for processing all the incoming SOAP requests and returning a valid SOAP response- extends
- serializes and deserializes SOAP headers, handles error processing
- incoming requests are passed as
objects - outgoing responses must be returned as
objects - must implement
- extends
request deserializer
parses the incoming SOAP request message and constructs the objects representing the request payload- extends
- type of the request data must be given as type parameter
- used through
interface - must implement
method that deserializes therequest
- extends
response serializer
- extends
- is responsible for converting the object representing the response payload to SOAP
- used through
interface - must implement
method that serializes theresponse
element to SOAP
- extends
Working adapter example can be viewed and downloaded here.
Setting up SSL on Tomcat is explained in wiki.
Adapter servlet(received request, generated response):
* This class implements one simple X-Road v6 compatible service: "helloService".
* Service description is defined in "example.wsdl" file
* that's located in WEB-INF/classes folder. The name of the WSDL file and the
* namespace is configured in WEB-INF/classes/xrd-servlet.properties file.
* @author Petteri Kivimäki
public class ExampleAdapter extends AbstractAdapterServlet {
private Properties props;
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExampleAdapter.class);
private String namespaceSerialize;
private String namespaceDeserialize;
private String prefix;
public void init() {
logger.debug("Starting to initialize Enpoint.");
this.props = PropertiesUtil.getInstance().load("/xrd-servlet.properties");
this.namespaceSerialize = this.props.getProperty("namespace.serialize");
this.namespaceDeserialize = this.props.getProperty("namespace.deserialize");
this.prefix = this.props.getProperty("namespace.prefix.serialize");
logger.debug("Namespace for incoming ServiceRequests : \"" + this.namespaceDeserialize + "\".");
logger.debug("Namespace for outgoing ServiceResponses : \"" + this.namespaceSerialize + "\".");
logger.debug("Namespace prefix for outgoing ServiceResponses : \"" + this.prefix + "\".");
logger.debug("Endpoint initialized.");
* Must return the path of the WSDL file.
* @return absolute path of the WSDL file
protected String getWSDLPath() {
String path = this.props.getProperty("wsdl.path");
logger.debug("WSDL path : \"" + path + "\".");
return path;
protected ServiceResponse handleRequest(ServiceRequest request) throws SOAPException, XRd4JException {
// Please uncomment the following line to disable procession of "request" and "response" wrappers.
// request.setProcessingWrappers(false);
// Create a new response serializer that serializes the response to SOAP
ServiceResponseSerializer serializer = serializer = new HelloServiceResponseSerializer();
ServiceResponse<String, String> response = null;
// Process services by service code
if (request.getProducer().getServiceCode().equals("helloService")) {
// Process "helloService" service
logger.info("Process \"helloService\" service.");
// Create a custom request deserializer that parses the request
// data from the SOAP request
CustomRequestDeserializer customDeserializer = new CustomRequestDeserializerImpl();
// Parse the request data from the request
customDeserializer.deserialize(request, this.namespaceDeserialize);
// Create a new ServiceResponse object
response = new ServiceResponse<String, String>(request.getConsumer(), request.getProducer(), request.getId());
// Set namespace of the SOAP response
logger.debug("Do message prosessing...");
if (request.getRequestData() != null) {
// If request data is not null, add response data to the
// response object
response.setResponseData("Hello " + request.getRequestData() + "! Greetings from adapter server!");
} else {
// No request data is found - an error message is returned
logger.warn("No \"name\" parameter found. Return a non-techinal error message.");
ErrorMessage error = new ErrorMessage("422", "422 Unprocessable Entity. Missing \"name\" element.");
logger.debug("Message prosessing done!");
// Serialize the response to SOAP
serializer.serialize(response, request);
// Return the response - AbstractAdapterServlet takes care of
// the rest
return response;
// No service matching the service code in the request was found -
// and error is returned
response = new ServiceResponse();
ErrorMessage error = new ErrorMessage("SOAP-ENV:Client", "Unknown service code.", null, null);
serializer.serialize(response, request);
return response;
* This class is responsible for serializing response data of helloService
* service responses.
private class HelloServiceResponseSerializer extends AbstractServiceResponseSerializer {
* Serializes the response data.
* @param response ServiceResponse holding the application specific
* response object
* @param soapResponse SOAPMessage's response object where the response
* element is added
* @param envelope SOAPMessage's SOAPEnvelope object
public void serializeResponse(ServiceResponse response, SOAPElement soapResponse, SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws SOAPException {
// Add "message" element
SOAPElement data = soapResponse.addChildElement(envelope.createName("message"));
// Put response data inside the "message" element
data.addTextNode((String) response.getResponseData());
* This class is responsible for deserializing request data of helloService
* service requests. The type declaration "<String>" defines the type of the
* request data, which in this case is String.
private class CustomRequestDeserializerImpl extends AbstractCustomRequestDeserializer<String> {
* Deserializes the "request" element.
* @param requestNode request element
* @return content of the request element
protected String deserializeRequest(Node requestNode, SOAPMessage message) throws SOAPException {
if (requestNode == null) {
logger.warn("\"requestNode\" is null. Null is returned.");
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < requestNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
// Request data is inside of "name" element
if (requestNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
&& requestNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getLocalName().equals("name")) {
logger.debug("Found \"name\" element.");
// "name" element was found - return the text content
return requestNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getTextContent();
logger.warn("No \"name\" element found. Null is returned.");
return null;
Returning an Image From Server
If the server needs to return images, this can be done converting images to base64 coded strings and returning them as SOAP attachments. For example:
// "img" can be BufferedImage or InputStream
// Image is converted to a base64 coded string, image type must be given
String imgstr = MessageHelper.encodeImg2String(img, "jpg");
// Image string is added as an attachment, content type must be set
AttachmentPart ap = response.getSoapMessage().createAttachmentPart(imgstr, "jpg");
// Set Content-Type header - Security Server does not accept "jpg" and "image/jpeg" can not
// be used with createAttachmentPart because "imgstr" is not an image object. Therefore the
// content type "image/jpeg" must be set afterwards
ap.addMimeHeader("Content-Type", "image/jpeg");
// The attachment is added to the SOAP message