Obj-C module built on UITableView for creating a 2-level nested list UI control. iOS 4.0+
pettair / ios-SDNestedTable
Forked from linox/ios-SDNestedTableThis repo has moved!
DACircularProgress is a UIView subclass with circular UIProgressView properties.
pettair / rack-core-data
Forked from mattt/rack-scaffoldAutomatically generate REST APIs from Core Data models
Automatically generate REST APIs from Core Data models
pettair / SCSS.tmbundle
Forked from MarioRicalde/SCSS.tmbundleThe TextMate SCSS Official Bundle. Now Compatible with SublimeText2.
A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.
pettair / PGCompass
Forked from Rockncoder/PGCompassPhoneGap & jQuery Mobile compass tutorial source code
Menú flotante que trata de imitar el ofrecido por la app Sparrow para iOS
pettair / storage
Forked from thisandagain/storageAn iOS library for fast, easy, and safe threaded disk I/O.
pettair / cam
Forked from thisandagain/camA “keep it simple, stupid” approach to handling photo and video capture with AVFoundation.
An iOS Filter UIControl Subclass. Zero Graphics. Highly Customizable.
An iPhone/iPad controller to import files (images, PDF, MSOffice, Zip, Video, etc.) from multiple sources, such as Image Library, iTunes shared folder, and cloud services like Dropbox, Cloud App, i…
pettair / BDMultiDownloader
Forked from norsez/BDMultiDownloaderSimple block-based concurrent multiple-URL data downloader based only on NSURLConnection
Spree 0.70.0 theme for tuatun, based on the RDR theme.
PhoneGap & jQuery Mobile compass tutorial source code
pettair / EarthView
Forked from RossAnderson/EarthView3D Visualization of Earth using Map Tiles for iOS
An iOS library for fast, easy, and safe threaded disk I/O.
A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.
FRLayeredNavigationController, an iOS container view controller with an API similar to UINavigationController
Simple block-based concurrent multiple-URL data downloader based only on NSURLConnection
An iOS Filter UIControl Subclass. Zero Graphics. Highly Customizable.
Simple UITableView tricks with focus on UITableViewCell Layout
Simple UITableView tricks with focus on UITableViewCell Layout
Save fields from mailer forms to the database.
Prototype of the user interface of Radiant E-Commerce Extension
Create and display galleries of images from your Radiant Assets.
A port of the FatFreeCRM to radiant.