A hackable instagram "clone"
Launch a terminal in the root of this folder, then:
Setup virtualenv and install requirements
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a local sqlite database, apply migrations and run server
cd instapwn/
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Now visit localhost:8000
and start hacking
To create a superuser do
python manage.py createsuperuser
and follow the instructions
To deploy on kubernetes, only tested on Mac M1/colima
brew install colima
colima start -c 4 --kubernetes --kubernetes-ingress
Add this line to /etc/hosts instapwn.loc
Build the docker images
docker build -t instapwn-web ../ --target=python-runner
docker build -t instapwn-nginx ../ --target=nginx
Deploy the manifest
kubectl create namespace instapwn
kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yaml
This creates a deployment which ensures a pod is running, a service which
exposes the pod's port, and an ingress to expose the service on your local
machine with instapwn.loc
as the hostname