Honeycomb DSL - Excel compatible, compiled DSL for TimeSheet and Payroll Calculations
Upload the contents of the root as a zip to AWS Lambda service. (read the AWS Lambda Documentation for more info)
Install dependencies with
npm install
Run the microservice with
node server.js
use the browsified honeycomb.js file
<script src="honeycomb.js"></script>
contact the author for more info.
Allow simple online expressions with a return value
= 100 * 3%
Allow named/variable expressions
A = { 12 }
B = { A * 10 }
C = { "Foo Bar" }
Allow the use of structures
A.test = { 2 }
B.result = { A.test * 2 }
Allow the use of arrays with 1 or 2 dimentions
A = { { 1,2,3,4 } }
B = { {1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6, 7, 8; 9, 10, 11, 12 } }
Allow the use of data tables and recursive calculation ex1. Calculate the first 50 Fibonacci numbers
[F[0:50]] = { IF([row[0]]<2, [row[0]], [F[-1]] + [F[-2]]) }
ex2. Calculate 6 digits of Pi using a running Sum
[P[0:100]] = { row * 2 }
[PI] = { IF(row = 0, 3, 4/(P * (P + 1) * (P + 2))) * IF(OR(row = 0, ISODD(row)), 1, -1) + [PI[-1]] }
R = {ROUND([PI[#100]],6)}
ex2. Calculate 6 digits of Pi using with a SUM over the PI column
[P[0:100]] = { row * 2 }
[PI] = { IF(row = 0, 3, 4/(P * (P + 1) * (P + 2))) * IF(OR(row = 0, ISODD(row)), 1, -1) }
R = {ROUND(SUM([PI]),6)}
Allow the use of array functions (without the excel array function notation "{}")
A = { ROUND({12.22232, 12.22232}, 2) }
ex2. Calculate 6 digits of Pi using with "Array functions"
[P[0:100]] = { row * 2 }
R = {
SUM(IF([row] = 0, 3, 4/([P] * ([P] + 1) * ([P] + 2))) * IF(OR([row] = 0, ISODD([row])), 1, -1) ),
Screen shot of test page (Calculating PI)