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Server framework for Local.js. Designed to be a simple, intuitive mapping between HTTPL messages and JS behaviors.

  • Generates responses from returned values, promises, and exceptions.
  • Helps construct "Link directories" (the Link response header)
  • Route construction helpers (protocols, mixins, method stacks)
  • Route middleware


A server with GET html and POST json at /:

var server = servware();
local.addServer('myserver', server);

server.route('/', function(link, method, protocol) {
  method('GET', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ accept: 'text/html' });
    return [200, 'Hello, World', {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}];

  method('POST', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ type: 'application/json' });
    return 204;

// Alternatively:

  .method('GET', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ accept: 'text/html' });
    return [200, 'Hello, World', {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}];
  .method('POST', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ type: 'application/json' });
    return 204;

A media page with links:

  .link({ href: '/', rel: 'up via service', title: 'My Server' })
  .link({ href: '/about', rel: 'self', type: 'text/html', title: 'About My Server' })
  .method('GET', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ accept: 'text/html' });
    return [200, 'It is a server', {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}];

A stream transformer via protocols:

  .link({ href: '/', rel: 'up via service', title: 'My Server' })
  .link({ href: '/util/toupper', rel: 'self', id: 'toupper', title: 'ToUppercase Transformer' })
  .protocol('', {
    transform: function(chunk) { return chunk.toUpperCase(); }

A CRUD collection and item via protocols:

var users = [];
  .link({ href: '/', rel: 'up via service', title: 'My Server' })
  .link({ href: '/users', rel: 'self', title: 'My Server Users', id: 'users' })
  .link({ href: '/users/{id}', rel: 'item' })
  .protocol('', {
    validate: function(item, req, res) {
      var errors = {};
      if (!item.fname) errors.fname = 'Required.';
      if (!item.lname) errors.lname = 'Required.';
      return errors;
    add: function(item, req, res) {
      var addedItem = {
        id: users.length,
        fname: item.fname,
        lname: item.lname,
      return addedItem;
  .link({ href: '/', rel: 'up via service', title: 'My Server' })
  .link({ href: '/users', rel: 'up', title: 'My Server Users', id: 'users' })
  .link({ href: '/users/:id', rel: 'self' })
  .protocol('', {
    validate: function(item, req, res) {
      var errors = {};
      if (!item.fname) errors.fname = 'Required.';
      if (!item.lname) errors.lname = 'Required.';
      return errors;
    get: function(id, req, res) {
      return myitems[id];
    put: function(id, values, req, res) {
      myitems[id] = {
        id: id,
        fname: values.fname,
        lname: values.lname
    delete: function(id, req, res) {
      delete myitems[id];

Defining a protocol, using link mixins, and using the after-method stack:

servware.protocols.add('', function(route, cfg) {
  // Add reltype
  route.mixinLink('self', { rel: '', type: cfg.type });

  // Add behaviors
  route.method('GET', function(req, res) {
    // Type negotiation
    var accept = local.preferredType(req, [cfg.type]);
    if (!accept) {
      // Not valid? note that fault and let any subsequent methods run
      req.__stdrel_com_media__badaccept = true;
      return true;

    // Serve media
    var content = cfg.content;
    if (typeof content == 'function') {
      content = content(req, res);
    return local.promise(content).then(function(content) {
      return [200, content, {'Content-Type': cfg.type}];
  route.afterMethod('GET', function(req, res) {
    // Did we get here because of a bad accept? throw that error
    if (req.__stdrel_com_media__badaccept) { throw 406; }

Toplevel API

servware() => serverFn

Creates a server function which can have behaviors added with the route() function.

var server = servware();
local.addServer('myserver', server);

server.route('/', function(link, method, protocol) {
  method('GET', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ accept: 'text/html' });
    return [200, 'Hello, World', {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}];

  method('POST', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ type: 'application/json' });
    return 204;

// Alternatively:

  .method('GET', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ accept: 'text/html' });
    return [200, 'Hello, World', {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}];
  .method('POST', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ type: 'application/json' });
    return 204;


Route API

serverFn.route(path, defineFn) => route

Adds a new path selector to the server function and calls defineFn to set its behaviors.

  • path: required string|RegExp
  • defineFn: required Function(link, method).

**Path Rules**
// Using regexes:
server.route(/^\/foo$/, fooRoute);
server.route(/^\/foo\/(.*)$/, fooSubRoute);

// Using strings:
server.route('/foo', fooRoute);
server.route('/foo/(.*)', fooSubRoute);

// Using strings and path tokens:
server.route('/foo', fooRoute);
server.route('/foo/:subitem', fooSubRoute);
  • If path is a string, it will be converted to a RegExp with new RegExp('^'+path+'$', 'i').
  • All matched regexp groups are placed in req.params.
  • Path tokens are converted to ([^/]*). Their extracted groups are placed on req.params using the token name.

**Defining the Route**
server.route('/', function(link, method, protocol) {
  link({ href: '/', rel: 'self service', title: 'Hello World Server' });

  method('GET', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ accept: 'text/html' });
    return [200, 'Hello, World', {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}];

When route() is called, it sets up the path selector, then calls immediately calls defineFn().

Alternatively, the returned route instance can be used to chain definition functions:

  .link({ href: '/', rel: 'self service', title: 'Hello World Server' })
  .method('GET', function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ accept: 'text/html' });
    return [200, 'Hello, World', {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}];

By default, route() defines the HEAD method as function() { return 204; }. You can override that definition.


  • linkObj: required Object, a link description

Stores an entry to be used in the Link response-header in the route.

server.route('/foo/:subitem', function(link, method) {
  link({ href: '/', rel: 'via service', title: 'Hello World Server' });
  link({ href: '/foo', rel: 'up collection', id: 'foo', title: 'Foo Collection' });
  link({ href: '/foo/:subitem', rel: 'self item', id: ':subitem', title: 'Item :subitem' });

  method('GET', function(req, res) {
    // Will include the 3 links above.
    return [200, req.params.subitem];

**Path Tokens**

Any tokens in the route() path will be substituted in the Link header response. In the above example, a request to /foo/bar would produce a self link to /foo/bar.


route.mixinLink(rel, linkObj)

  • rel: required string, the reltypes to apply this to
  • linkObj: required object, the link attributes

Adds a mixin which will decorate links which are added via

  .mixinLink('up', { rel: 'via' })
  .link({ href: '/', rel: 'up', foo: 'bar' })
  .mixinLink('via', { rel: 'service', foo: 'baz', hello: 'world' })

// produces:
Link: [{ href: '/', rel: 'up via service', foo: 'bar', hello: 'world' }]

Mixins are applied before the method handlers are called. If no link is created of the given reltype, the mixin will not be applied. If a non-rel attribute collides, the first value set is used.


route.method(methodName, [opts], ...handlerFns)

  • methodName: required String
  • opts: optional Object
  • optional bool, handle the request on arrival (instead of waiting for the request 'end' event)? Default false.
  • handlerFns: required Function(req, res), the middleware/handlers.

Places the handlers in the default method queue. Execution through the queue is continued when a true value is returned, and stopped when a response value is returned.

**Return Values**
server.route('/', function(link, method) {
  method('GET', function(req, res) {
    switch ( {
      case 1:
        return 204;
      case 2:
        return [200, 'The Response Body']; // Defaults Content-Type=text/plain
      case 3:
        return [200, {the:'Response Body'}]; // Defaults Content-Type=application/json
      case 4:
        return [200, '<h1>The Response Body</h1>', {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}];
      case 5:
        return {status: 200, reason: 'OK', headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}, body: '<h1>The Response Body</h1>'};
        throw 400;
  • Returning or throwing a value constructs a response.
  • Promises can be returned, then fulfilled with values to construct the response.
  • If nothing is returned (undefined), the the res object's API should be used to respond.

server.route('/', function(link, method) {
  function checkPerms(req, res) {
    if (req.header('From') == 'bob')
      throw 403; // nice try, bob
    return true; // continue handling with the next function

  method('GET', checkPerms, function(req, res) {
    req.assert({ accept: 'text/html' });
    return [200, 'Hello, World', {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}];
  • Returning true instructs servware to move on to the next function in the method handler list.


route.beforeMethod(methodName, ...handlerFns)

  • methodName: required String
  • handlerFns: required Function(req, res), the middleware/handlers.

Like route.method(), but places the handlers in the "pre-queue" which is executed before the default method queue. Execution through the queues is continued when a true value is returned, and stopped when a response value is returned.


route.afterMethod(methodName, ...handlerFns)

  • methodName: required String
  • handlerFns: required Function(req, res), the middleware/handlers.

Like route.method(), but places the handlers in the "post-queue" which is executed after the default method queue. Execution through the queues is continued when a true value is returned, and stopped when a response value is returned.


Request API

The following functions are mixed into the Local.js requests:


Checks the request against the given assertions. Throws a failure response on failed assert.

  • assertions: required Object
    • assertions.type: string|[string], the allowed Content-Type values (fails with 415)
    • assertions.accept: string|[string], the allowed Accept values (fails with 406)


Response API

The following functions are mixed into the Local.js responses:

  • linkObj: required Object, a link description

Stores an entry to be used in the Link response-header in the method. This differs from the other link function in that it only updates the response header for the current request.

server.route('/foo/:subitem', function(link, method) {
  link({ href: '/', rel: 'via service', title: 'Hello World Server' });
  link({ href: '/foo', rel: 'up collection', id: 'foo', title: 'Foo Collection' });

  method('GET', function(req, res) {
    var id = req.params.subitem;{ href: '/foo/'+id, rel: 'self item', id: id, title: 'Item '+id });
    return [200, req.params.subitem];


res.modlinks(query, mods)

Queries the Link header of the response and updates the matching links.

  • query: required object|[object]|string, fed to queryLinks
  • mods: required object|function, a map of KVs to update or a function to call on the matching links
server.route('/', function(link, method) {
  link({ href: '/', rel: 'up via service', foo: 'bar' });
  link({ href: '/link', rel: 'self service' });
  link({ href: '', rel: 'service', title: 'best site in world of web' });

  method('GET', function(req, res) {
  	res.modlinks({ rel: 'service' }, { title: 'All service titles are this' });
  	res.modlinks({ foo: 'bar' }, function(link) { link.title = 'Except this title'; });
  	return 200;



An straight-forward Web server framework for Local.js






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