Releases: pha-Z/gcsim
Releases · pha-Z/gcsim
- 749e564: fix sysfunc index (srliao) #924
- 0432219: clean up unused code (srliao) #924
- 8f2cc5d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into feature-dendro-dev (srliao) #972
- 97bd3df: initial dendro/reactable refactor: (srliao) #935
- 669ba5f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into backend (srliao) #936
- 20688c5: updates image assets url (srliao) #936
- dfcb775: fix vaporize (srliao) #935
- 78e0b7d: add for statement (imring) #937
- 6984229: add a scope for the for statement (imring) #937
- 4d05978: add more
records (imring) #937 - 0062b62: fix moving the value in let (imring) #939
- cd6ee61: fix overload (srliao) #935
- b1a435c: fix superconduct (srliao) #935
- 23ee2b6: fix melt; fix vaporize tests (srliao) #935
- 1bf09b2: fix consumed (srliao) #935
- bf8c7fe: fix swirl (srliao) #935
- f6fd696: fix freeze (srliao) #935
- 0965d88: fix crystallize (srliao) #935
- c646bcf: fix ec (srliao) #935
- 38827d2: fix catalyze (srliao) #935
- 57f2ed5: fix self infusion (srliao) #935
- 114b1aa: add srp (srliao) #935
- 479b246: fix kazuha (srliao) #935
- 2f78800: fix reactable unit tests (srliao) #972
- de469ad: fix freeze incorrectly setting reacted to true (srliao) #972
- 7ffaaec: fix Reactable interface; get rid of old method (srliao) #972
- 12140e4: rewrite darkironsword, update trigger condition for dendro (k0l11) #941
- 33586b5: add ayato nx -> ca cancel frames (k0l11) #942
- 9785d9b: diluc e window should be hitlag extendable (k0l11) #944
- 5e317eb: change diluc e window key to const (k0l11) #944
- 16d5502: add dendro shred to zhongli shield (k0l11) #947
- 2ad136a: fix golden majesty series not getting more than 1 stack (k0l11) #948
- 5fdab86: adjust hu tao e n2 and e ca frames (k0l11) #946
- 4c90f8d: Refactored core task handler to use a min heap (Kyle Bartz) #994
- dc3abdf: Changed OnHeal events to emit HealInfo (Kyle Bartz) #994
- bf355b7: initial bloom skeleton (srliao) #972
- 1ba9d87: Fixed Element string mappings (Kyle Bartz) #994
- c671eae: Added OnTick event (Kyle Bartz) #994
- f4c0695: Added OnActionFailed event (Kyle Bartz) #994
- 12ff562: Added ShieldStrength method to shields (Kyle Bartz) #994
- 73d46a6: Added serde functions for ReactableModifier (Kyle Bartz) #994
- 66a2193: Added serde functions for Action (Kyle Bartz) #994
- 18b9356: Initial data redesign with StatsCollector and Aggregator (Kyle Bartz) #994
- a71d607: Added rawout script to generate results without aggregation (Kyle Bartz) #994
- 66df21c: Changed stored seed to be uint64 (Kyle Bartz) #994
- ddc786f: hyperbloom draft (T N) #952
- d418cc5: clean up (T N) #952
- 701de9c: add bloom self damage, burgeon test, fix hyperbloom target (T N) #952
- a9c2012: fix bloom (T N) #952
- 17f9a6e: fix index error on gadget array resize (skippi) #953
- eb196ee: fix wrong String() impl for Element type (skippi) #953
- 410e164: fix guoba self-infuse not using modifiers (skippi) #953
- b6a5f23: fix bloom tests, rename bloom self damage instances (T N) #952
- dfcf98c: bloom spawning delay (T N) #952
- a4cad06: fix bloom tests (T N) #952
- d97a7a0: fix String() element impl not matching enum exact (skippi) #953
- 3b42135: check quicken bloom (T N) #952
- dbcb2b5: add targetable gadget pattern to all electro/pyro/anemo infusion (T N) #952
- 71190d7: Refactored core task handler to use a min heap (Kyle Bartz) #972
- 6e6d52d: burning implementation initial (k0l11) #950
- 9c28995: fix pyro reapp during burning not updating burning dmg (k0l11) #950
- 17f6f29: simplify burning if else (k0l11) #950
- bf14fea: fix burning event unsub and burning dmg circle hit (k0l11) #950
- 5c0359a: change burning event sub to always being subbed after first burning (k0l11) #950
- 16c7328: fix burning dmg icd + damage sequence (k0l11) #950
- 74df9d6: fix kazuha absorb location and change naming to absorb (k0l11) #943
- 17b7440: adjust sayu naming to use absorb, also formatting (k0l11) #943
- remove unused absorb check location #943 (k0l11)
- dd2375d: change sucrose naming to use absorb instead of infuse (k0l11) #943
- b7a1da6: fix traveleranemo absorb location and change naming to absorb (k0l11) #943
- 4712e2a: change venti naming to use absorb instead of infuse (k0l11) #943
- 4a38354: more infuse to absorb renaming (k0l11) #943
- 15e285f: fix kazuha a1 and q sharing absorb check location (k0l11) #943
- 3af9cab: update tests to use combat system (srliao) #972
- 84635d6: update bloom/burgeon/hyperbloom tests (srliao) #972
- 92ec9d9: fix OnDendroCoreEvent to allow modifying (srliao) #972
- efd792b: add missing dendro events to collei asc/cons (skippi) #954
- aabcac0: fix 4cw damage buff for burning and burgeon (skippi) #954
- de28370: refactor 4tf reaction damage check (skippi) #954
- 3b66fd2: fix hyperbloom not triggering 4tf passive (skippi) #954
- af266c8: fix dendro core ordering (srliao) #972
- c24255d: add burning and bloom trigger to tighnari c4 (skippi) #954
- f516cc6: add hyperbloom to fischl a4 (skippi) #954
- dbe813b: add hyperbloom to keqing c4 (skippi) #954
- d0f47ea: add hyperbloom to electro resonance (skippi) #954
- ab5821a: add hyperbloom to dark iron sword (skippi) #954
- 979dc3a: add burning to reaction trigger count logging (skippi) #954
- 37e1584: add hyperbloom to hakushin ring (skippi) #954
- db2b484: get rid of redundant quickenBloom check (srliao) #972
- b0055a9: change new dendro to it's own function (srliao) #972
- a9f6606: fix bloom ignore def (srliao) #972
- fc66c7d: dori init (IvanHdzF) #955
- d818fd5: a...