This was my final project for cs50's web programming with python and javascript course. Demonstration Video.
This project is a teaching assessment webapp which has 3 types of users; teachers, students, and admin. Each user can not see the other user type's pages. Teacher and student have different register and login routes. Each user's experience with website will be described bellow:
- Each student can register by specifying their ID number; only if the ID is in the IDNumbers model, they can register.
- After logging in, the user can see their name, see all available forms, can purchase prizes, and can change their password
- By going to assessment forms tab;
- The user can choose any form (associated with a teacher, their picture, the subject, and the academic year).
- By clicking a form, they can answer its questions and submit
- Only students that a form is for, can view the form
- By answering the form, it will not show in their forms tab anymore
- The user's score will increase by answering each form
- By going to prizes tab;
- They can see their current score
- Can see all bought prizes and copy the code
- Can buy a new prize (If already bought: error)
- Having prizes and score is a way to create incentive for students to answer the questions and visit the website
- After logging in, the user can see their name (If they're TA: see their supervisors), subjects thought in the active academic year, see each academic years results, and can change their password
- By going to results tab;
- The user can choose the academic year to see the results of
- Results will be shown as described bellow:
- First a table of all subjects of that year and number of students answered
- For each subject the answers logged in FormAnswerS model will be filtered by subject
- For closed questions the number of respondents for each value will be shown in a table and a diagram
- For open questions all answers will be shown under the question text
- Can import student ID numbers using django shell and csv
- Add new academic years (specifying its 'state'; active or not)
- Can add a form (Name of this model is Course)
- Fields of this form are written below:
- Students which this form will be shown for
- Students that have not answered this form
- Score of answering this form
- Teacher associated with this form
- Specifying whether the teacher is a teacher assistant and if they are, who is their supervisor in this specific form
- What is the coursename associated with this form
- For which academic year this form is
- The formsample associated with this form
- Fields of this form are written below:
- Can make a new FormSample
- A formsample can be used for multiple forms without the need to rewrite each question
- Fields of this form are written below:
- Name and description of this formsample
- All questions associated with this formsample
- Can add Questions
- Each question can have open or closed answers
- Fields of this form are written below:
- Question text which stores the question itself
- Type of question: currently: OPEN or CLOSE
- If is CLOSE: what are possible answer values (and number of values/radio buttons)
- Can add PrizeNames
- Each students can earn a prize by spending their Scores!
- By buying a prize, a new log of this prize is added to PrizesGot.
- Fields of this form are written below:
- Name and description of this prize
- Score needed to earn this prize
Each file's contents are explained in this tree; showing directories and files.
├── ...
├── assessment_app
│ ├── ...
│ ├──
│ ├── static
│ │ └── assessment_app
│ │ ├── css
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ │ └── 🌄 styles.scss >>> styles defined here and for responsiveness
│ │ ├── img
│ │ │ └── ...
│ │ └── js
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ ├── 🎆 change_password.js >>> front-end for changing passwords and fetching from api
│ │ ├── 🎆 control.js >>> control of purchasing and showing purchased prizes
│ │ ├── 🎆 cookie_alert.js >>> function for getting cookies and alerting user
│ │ └── 🎆 results.js >>> showing and fetching results of each academic year results
│ ├── templates
│ │ └── assessment_app
│ │ ├── 🦴 errors.html >>> html for showing errors
│ │ ├── 🦴 form.html >>> html for showing each form
│ │ ├── 🦴 index.html >>> html for index of website
│ │ ├── 🦴 layout.html >>> layout of all html files
│ │ ├── 🦴 login_s.html >>> html for login page of students
│ │ ├── 🦴 login_t.html >>> html for login page of teachers
│ │ ├── 🦴 register_s.html >>> html for register page of students
│ │ ├── 🦴 register_t.html >>> html for register page of teachers
│ │ ├── 🦴 student.html >>> html for student user profile
│ │ └── 🦴 teacher.html >>> html for teacher user profile
│ ├── 🔗 >>> url paths and api defined here
│ └── ⚙️ >>> what each url and api path is going to do
├── 🗒️ idimport.csv >>> example list of idnumbers
└── 🗒️ >>> idnumber can be imported by pasting the file's content in django shell
Install django.
..\> pip install django
Then run django server.
..\> py runserver
Go to the development server at!
I wrote the website template in Farsi. You can change the language in chrome browser by write clicking in page and choosing Translate to English option.
All example user's passwords is 12345.
Teacher example usernames: [skhedri, gakbri]
Student example usernames: [0013458233, 0013458232]
DjangoAdmin username and pass: [admin, admin]