A DApp for music NFT storage, listing, sale and purchase.
- ReactJS
- Hardhat
- Ethereum
npm run start
to fire up the React f/e app.
npx hardhat node
to start the local hardhat network at, and the HTTP + WebSocket JSON-RPC server at atop it. Note the 20 "canned" accounts created by Hardhat.
npm run local:deploy
to deploy contracts onto the local hardhat node. Note the contract address.
From another terminal connect to hardhat console with npx hardhat console --network localhost
so you can interact with a contract deployed to the local HH network, using ethersJSand helpers added by the hardhat-ethers plugin.
The, in the console prompt run the following:
const c = await ethers.getContractAt("<<CONTRACT_NAME>>","<<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>>")
# call methods on the contract, such as:
await c.owner()
await c.baseURI() # public state variable declared in the contract
await c.name() # returns the token name as per ERC721 constructor args
await c.symbol() # returns the symbol name as per ERC721 constructor args
State Variables
- token name & token symbol (public strings)
- baseURI (public string)
- baseFileExtension (public string)
- artist address (public address)
- royaltyFee (public uint256) marketItems (public marketItem[])
- MarketItem:
- tokenId (uint256)
- seller (address payable)
- price (uint256)
- MarketItem:
- what's the difference between